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 Washington State

Agencies with Speakers Bureaus, Panels, and Trainers in Washington State
(regarding gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender youth and/or harassment)
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04/22/13. If you know of errors please click here to let us know.  

The Safe Schools Coalition Speakers Bureau - Washington State & U.S.: Need training for students or staff? The Safe Schools Coalition offers workshops for students, educators and communities entitled "Understanding and Addressing Anti-Gay Harassment and Violence in Schools" and "Understanding and Addressing Malicious Harassment and Violence in Schools." We can also offer longer, more skill-based training for schools, tailored to their specific needs regarding bullying and harassment in schools and/or sexual diversity in schools. We serve the state of Washington, but can travel elsewhere if costs are covered. Within the state, donations are encouraged, but not required.  Website: http://www.safeschoolscoalition.org; Contact Katrina Pestano, our speakers bureau manager, through the web contact form:  http://www.safeschoolscoalition.org/contact/?id=9  or call her at 206-451-SAFE (7233).

Meet our trainers: http://www.safeschoolscoalition.org/trainers/trainers-ofSSC.html.

Asian Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance – Puget Sound: Speakers Bureau does anti-homophobia work and educates the public about the existence of Asian and Pacific Islander people who are also sexual minorities. PO Box 14232, Seattle, WA 98114.

Equity Educators – Coaching for Change: They work with programs, organizations, schools, parent groups, providing training and consultation on multiple issues impacting communities. Workshop: "Young Children & Bias" and others. Contact: Theressa Lenear 206/501-6121, tlc102043@comcast.net and or Fran Davidson, islandnavigator@yahoo.com; Based in Seattle, Washington. Phone: (206) 351-7977.

Gender Diversity: Education and Support Services: Gender Diversity is an education, support, and training organization committed to increasing awareness and understanding of the normal range of gender variations in children, adolescents, and adults. Services include weekly groups for parents, teens, and children; trainings and consultations, referral services and national conferences.  Speakers and panel presentations available. Call 1-855-4 GENDER (toll free) or email info@GenderDiversity.org for more information. Website: http://www.genderdiversity.org/

GLSEN-Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network Day of Silence Training and Organizing: GLSEN is a education organization creating safe schools for GLBT people. http://www.glsen.org  The Day of Silence is the largest single student-led action towards creating safer schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. http://www.dayofsilence.org  Leanne Neifert of GLSEN is willing to do training for GSA's and other like organizations in the Greater Puget Sound area. Phone: 425-226-5210; E-mail: leanne@dayofsilence.org

GLSEN Washington State: GLSEN is an education organization creating safe schools for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. GLSEN Puget Sound strives to assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.  Contact person: Robert Raketty, Executive Director; 1605 12th Ave, Suite 32; Seattle, WA 98122 (Next to the Capitol Hill Arts Center); Phone: 206-330-2099, or 877-GLSEN-WA; Fax: 206-329-1185; Toll-Free number for anyone outside the Seattle Metro area! (877) GLSEN.WA (877-457-3692); Email: mail@glsenwa [.] org; Website:  http://chapters.glsen.org/cgi-bin/iowa/washington/home.html 

GLOBE – GLBTQ Loving Ourselves Becoming Empowered – Youth Program – Everett & Snohomish County: this youth support group was initially based out of the Snohomish Health District in Everett and since 2007 it has been a program of the Everett/Snohomish PFLAG. It offers a youth panel of speakers with adult facilitators to share their stories and experiences with any group of professionals, students, or school staff - free of charge. They also offer a variety of anti-homophobia workshops and GLBTQ awareness trainings for school teachers, counselors, and administrators, in addition to HIV/STD prevention services and educational materials. Mailing address: PO Box 12884, Everett, WA  98206; Phone: 425-263-2908; Email: globeleaders@hotmail.com; Website: http://www.globeyouth.com 

Queer Youth Project (Formerly called "Just Us Youth") and PFLAG – Bellingham & Northwest Washington: Queer Youth Project and PFLAG together offer panels composed of youth, their coordinators and one or two parents -- 5-8 people usually. They last from 40 minutes to 2.5 hours--depending on what the needs are and what info the group wants them to cover ( faith, schools, recreation, etc ). They serve mostly Whatcom County but would consider panels elsewhere if it were 100% funded. They don't charge a fee, but encourage donations to Just Us and PFLAG. Contact people Gina Fagan-Kley: Phone: 360-224-3624 or 360-380-7585, Email: fagankley@earthlink.net and Tami Stamper: Phone: 676-2579, Email: nwproud@yahoo.com; Website: http://www.pflagbellingham.org

King County Sexual Assault Resource Center - KCSARC - King County: KCSARC facilitates two 10-hour workshops dealing with school harassment, "Halting Hate: Decreasing Anti-Gay Violence and Harassment in Our Schools," and "Sexual Harassment in Schools: Beyond Targets to Remedies." KCSARC offers training and presentations tailored to specific adult or student audiences about anti-gay and sexual harassment, forming gay-straight student alliances, harassment policy issues and community organizing. KCSARC also offers one-on-one consultation on any of the above issues within King County. Phone: 425-226-5062; Email: education@kcsarc.org; Website: http://www.kcsarc.org

Legal Marriage Alliance of Washington – Washington State: a nonprofit organization educating the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community and the general public on how to advance the civil right of same-sex couples to legal marriage. LMAW serves as a clearinghouse for same-sex marriage information in Washington State and offers speakers and resource materials. Phone: 206-464-3009; Email: legalmarriagealliance@juno.com; Website: http://www.lmaw.org

Lifelong AIDS Alliance – King County: provides education for the general public and high risk populations (seminars, a speakers’ bureau). 1002 E. Seneca St., Seattle, WA 98122; Contact person: Erick Seelbach; Phone: (206) 329-6923; Email:  previnfo@lifelongaidsalliance.org ; Website: http://www.lifelongaidsalliance.org

Lifespan Educational Services – Olympia & Washington State: LES offers training and coaching in Washington State and elsewhere (for businesses and corporations, governmental agencies, schools and colleges, community-based organizations, professional conferences, faith-based organizations, and others) on how to create “healthy” classrooms and schools that foster respect and enhance learning for a wide diversity of learners and topics. Workshop options include, among many others, "Harassment and Violence as Symptoms in the Health of Schools," "Safe Schools," "Preventing Sexual Harassment," "GLBT Youth:  Understanding Their Issues," and "GLBT Youth and their Substance Use Issues." Contact: Evonne Hedgepeth, Ph.D., Exec. Dir. Phone: 360-352-9980; Email: evonne@lifespaneducation.com; Website: http://www.lifespaneducation.com

Love Makes a Family – Portland & SW Washington: works for social change and to provide a public voice for all families, especially those subjected to social, economic, and legal discrimination due to sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. PO Box 5163, Portland OR 97208-5163; Phone: 503-228-3892; Email: Info @ LMfamily.org; Website: http://www.lmfamily.org

Men’s Violence Project – Olympia, Washington, & U.S.: Combining lecture, music, experiential exercises and interactive discussions, MVP examines gender issues, homophobia, bullying, sexual harassment, alcohol and drugs, prevention and intervention skills, and school violence. Compassionate and challenging, MVP is designed to enhance healthy, equal relationships between young men and women. Preview a few songs online and read about various training options. Phone: 360-866-7140; Email: tdenny@olywa.net; Website: http://www.olywa.net/tdenny/programs.htm

OASIS youth group – Tacoma & Puget Sound: Oasis offers workshops/trainings on a variety of topics including: AIDS/HIV prevention, same sex domestic violence and diversity workshops for school staff. They also take youth panels to high schools to talk. They tailor their presentations to the audience. They are available easily in the Puget Sound area but are willing to travel throughout Washington given a little notice. Phone: 253-534-3204; Email: oasisyouthcenter@gmail.com; Website: http://www.oasisyouthcenter.org

The Odyssey Youth Center – Spokane & Spokane County: Odyssey offers GLBTQ youth panels in Spokane and Spokane County. These panels are available to schools, Universities, youth organizations, etc. The purpose of the youth panels are to increase awareness of the issues GLBTQ youth face, and ways in which participants can support GLBTQ youth in the community. Phone: 509-325-3637; Contact form: http://www.odysseyyouth.org/ContactUs.htm; Website: http://www.odysseyyouth.org/

OutSpoken LGBT Youth Speaker’s Bureau: a program of The Northwest Network of Bi, Trans, Lesbian and Gay Survivors of Abuse, OutSpoken is a diverse group of LGBT and allied youth, adults and providers dedicated to challenging bullying, oppression and anti-LGBT violence in our schools. By training youth to be educators, the OutSpoken Speakers’ Bureau empowers youth to directly address and challenge the systems that impact their lives. They hold regular trainings to support you in building the skills needed to be an educator, and then pay them to share thier experiences and knowledge with others. Interested in having a panel of LGBT and allied youth at your school, organization or event? Outspoken has panels available on the topics of coming out, youth empowerment, anti-oppression, being a queer youth of color, experiences in foster care, alternative education, experiences in faith communities and much much more. Address: P.O. Box 18436, Seattle, WA 98118; Phone: 206-568-7777; Email: info@nwnetwork.org; Website: http://nwnetwork.org/what-we-do/youth-programs/ 

PFLAG Speakers Bureau – Greater Seattle/Puget Sound: Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays has panels of parents and GLBT people who focus on telling personal stories. Often requested in schools. Coordinator: Wendy Wartes, phone 425-483-6642; Email: kheeta2@comcast.net

Planned Parenthood of Western Washington’s Teen Councils – Western Washington: Peer education programs where trained, supervised high school-aged people provide energetic classes for peers and younger youth about teen pregnancy, AIDS, abusive relationships, and some GLBT issues. Contact your local Planned Parenthood.

School's Out Washington offers customized training to afterschool and youth development (AYD) programs that serve children and youth. Their trainers bring a wide range of experience and can tailor trainings to meet a program's particular needs, including best practices serving LGBTQ youth and families.  They have a convenient Training Request Form  which takes just a couple of moments to fill out. Once you've contacted them, they'll be in touch within two business days to discuss how they can help you. http://www.schoolsoutwashington.org/

Stonewall Youth – Olympia & two-hour radius: Stonewall offers "youth panels" who share their experiences on what it is like to be a BLGT youth. An adult facilitator accompanies the panel and shares information about the organization. In addition, they offer limited trainings on diversity and inclusiveness issues. The length of the workshop/panel can vary with the need of the audience. Traveling distance - flexible depending upon compensation (mileage reimbursement/honorarium). Two-hour traveling time (or shorter!) from Olympia is usually what works best. Contact person: Mara Collins, program director: Phone: 360-705-2738 ext. 1; Email:  marabcollins@yahoo.com; Website: http://www.stonewallyouth.org

The SUN! (Speak Up Now) Project – U.S.: SUN! provides classroom workshops on diversity and harassment nationally.  Also,  professional trainings for teachers and other school staff, mental health professionals, etc. in using interactive techniques with youth and adults, around issues including diversity, racism and homophobia, and dating and domestic violence. Also, SUN! provides community retreats and peer education training. Contact person M.A. Brook: Phone: 206-632-6399; Email: Thesunproject@aol.com

SYLAW (Street Youth Legal Advocates of Washington) – Puget Sound: SYLAW offers presentations and trainings in the Puget Sound to at-risk youth and youth advocates on any legal issue related to youth, including education, family, criminal, becca bill, and other areas. Phone: 206-464-5936 x 239; Email: sylaw@u.washington.edu; Website: http://www.sylaw.org

Washington State University’s Gender Identity/Expression & Sexual Orientation Resource Center  – SE Washington: The GIESORC Speakers Bureau educates the community about the experiences of LGBTQ people. A typical Speakers Bureau event features four trained panelists who speak openly about LGBT issues and their own experiences, then take questions from the audience. Such sessions are usually an hour long, although audience members often linger to ask personal questions. Our trained panelists are LGBTQ and allied students who volunteer their time to educate the university community about LGBT issues.  Through honest and open dialogue, issues of heterosexism and homophobia can be addressed in a non-threatening manner. Phone: 509-335-6388; Email: hstanton@wsu.edu; Website: http://www.thecenter.wsu.edu/default.asp?PageID=954

WEA (Washington Education Association – Washington State & U.S.: WEA offers training anywhere in the United States on diversity issues as they affect a safe schools environment. They also cover the legal implications and responsibilities that school staff must be aware of. Website: http://www.washingtonea.org


Youth Eastside Services – East King County: YES's "Honoring Diversity: An Anti-Harassment Project" provides classroom workshops on diversity and harassment in east King County (Washington State).  Also,  professional trainings for teachers and other school staff, mental health professionals, etc. in using interactive techniques with youth and adults, around issues including diversity, racism and homophobia, and dating and domestic violence. Also available as part of the trainings is a GBLTQ youth panel with moderator.  Contact person Brook: Phone: 425-747-4937; Website: http://www.youtheastsideservices.org

Youth Suicide Prevention Program: Training is available that focuses on GLBTQ youth and the issues they face. These trainings are for service providers that want more information about suicide prevention and early intervention, more information on why GLBTQ youth are at an increased risk for suicide and self harm, and how they can best support these youth to increase their protective factors against suicide and self harm. YSPP envisions Washington as a state where youth suicide is a rare event, where young people are nurtured and supported, where individuals and families are aware of risk factors for suicide, and actively seek help from accessible, effective community resources. To that end, they focus on public awareness, training, and communities in action. Address: 444 NE Ravenna Blvd., #401, Seattle, WA 98115; Phone: (206) 297-5922; Fax: (206) 297-0818; General email: info@yspp.org; Website: http://www.yspp.org/

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