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Transgender and Gender Variant Children and Youth:
Resources for
Parents/Guardians, Family Members, Educators and Allies
This page was last updated on 07/05/12. If you know of errors please click here to let us know.

A guide for young trans people in the UK: aims to offer information to young people who know they are trans or are confused about or questioning their gender in any way, so as to help clarify some of their questions and offer them language to express themselves. It was produced by a group of young trans people aged between 15 and 22 from the Sci:dentity group in conjunction with Gendered Intelligence and  GALYIC, with support from Wellcome Trust & NHS. http://www.safeschoolscoalition.org/YP_trans.pdf  (pdf format) 

All God's Children booklet: by Melany Burrill, for the "God Loves Each One Ministry" at Dumbarton United Methodist Church in Washington, DC, "is an essential guide to open and caring conversations with young children about gender and sexual orientation. You'll find that this small, user-friendly book addresses your concerns, your questions, and your search for just the right words; it also suggests ideas for sermons and classroom activities. As you read, you'll learn to model openness, respect, and the affirming belief that everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender difference, is a beloved child of God. Anyone who has a loving relationship with young children's parents, family, friends, pastors, Sunday School teachers will benefit from reading and discussing All God's Children." Cost: $7. http://www.godloveseachone.org/

Answers About Transgender Issues: An excellent three part series published by The New York Times has Dr. Laura Erickson-Schroth answering questions. Dr. Erickson-Schroth is working on "Trans Bodies, Trans Selves," - a resource guide for transgender and other gender-variant people.

Part 1 - April 21, 2010. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/21/answers-about-transgender-issues/
Part 2 - April 22, 2010. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/22/answers-about-transgender-issues-part-2/
Part 3 - April 23, 2010. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/23/answers-about-transgender-issues-part-3/

Answers to Your Questions About Transgender Individuals and Gender Identity: A brochure from the Office of Public Communication, in collaboration with the American Psychological Association Task Force on Gender Identity, Gender Variance, and Intersex Conditions, answering basic questions about transgender and listing some of the available resources. At http://www.apa.org/topics/transgender.html

Between and Beyond: Common Questions About Transgender Identity: "Our culture tends to limit its understanding of gender to man and woman. The Office of Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Concerns (OBGLTC) believes there are more than two genders. OBGLTC uses the word "transgender" - in its title as an umbrella term to describe the following people: crossdressers/transvestites, genderqueer, intersexuals, third gender, transsexuals, and any self-identified trans people. But even this is not necessarily completely accurate." This page contains very useful definitions, common questions, a section on how to be understanding and welcoming of transgender people, and a list of 10 advanced actions to take.  http://www.uua.org/members/justicediversity/bisexualgay/identity101/25348.shtml

Beyond the Binary - A Tool Kit for Gender Identity Activism in Schools: a 2004 collaborative project of Gay-Straight Alliance Network, Transgender Law Center, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Beyond the Binary was written by Stephanie Cho, Carolyn Laub, and Sean Saifa M. Wall of GSA Network, Chris Daley of Transgender Law Center, and Courtney Joslin of the National Center for Lesbian Rights. http://transgenderlawcenter.org/pdf/beyond_the_binary.pdf (pdf format) 

Camp Aranu'tiq: a weeklong, tuition-free, overnight summer camp for transgender and gender-variant youth ages 8 through 15. Camp is located in Southern New England, a 2-hour drive from both New York & Boston. Activities include arts & crafts, dance, drama, swimming, music, canoeing, creative writing, and land sports such as basketball, soccer, dodgeball, kickball, & beach volleyball. There will be a few professional therapists at camp for campers who may want to talk, but the main focus of the week is on having fun. Camp Aranu'tiq is a federally recognized, tax-exempt, nonprofit organization. It was born out of the idea that transgender and gender-variant youth needed a safe place to relate to others like them, away from home, in a beautiful rural setting where they can concentrate on what every camper loves: having fun. Contact: Nick M. Teich, Founder & President; Mailing address: Camp Aranu'tiq, P.O. Box 620141, Newton Lower Falls, MA 02462; Phone: (617) 467-5830; Contact form: http://www.camparanutiq.org/contact-camp-aranutiq.html; Website: http://www.camparanutiq.org/

Children's Gender and Sexuality Advocacy and Education Program at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, DC offers two inter-related programs for children with sexual or gender identity issues or whose most comfortable behavior falls outside traditional gender roles.

Early Childhood Development - Your Options - How Do I Know If My Child Is Transgender? This web page from the National Association of Social Workers answers the questions:  What Is transgender?  Can a Child Be Transgender?  What Makes a Child Transgender?  Why Can't My Child Be "Normal"?  How Should I Respond?  How Can I know If It's a Phase?  Where Do I Get Help, Support, and More Information? http://helpstartshere.org/TransgenderChilden/tabid/833/language/en-US/Default.aspx

An exploratory study of early childhood teachers' attitudes toward gender roles: This is a decade old study, but very interesting. Authored by Betsy Cahill, Eve Adams and published in Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, April, 1997. View it online here: http://www.springerlink.com/content/c850j10648417003/

The Gender Booklet: free, 6-page, colorful, downloadable resource – print your own set! Small enough to fit in your back pocket. A group of folks in Houston, TX created it. They say, “We offer the GENDER book as a free pdf download in the hopes that you will enjoy it, read it, and DISTRIBUTE WIDELY. Print it out and give it to all your friends, post it to your facebook page, stick it on your forum badge, print out 1,000 copies for your convention or 35 for your classroom. Totally free.” Go to: http://www.thegenderbook.com/#/the-booklet/4561649703 

Gender Diversity: Education and Support Services
: Gender Diversity is an education, support, and training organization committed to increasing awareness and understanding of the normal range of gender variations in children, adolescents, and adults. Our services include weekly groups for parents, teens, and children; trainings and consultations, referral services and national conferences.
Phone: 1-855-4 GENDER (toll free); Email: info@GenderDiversity.org; Website: http://www.genderdiversity.org/
Gender Diversity on Facebook… http://www.facebook.com/genderdiversity

Gender Odyssey Family Conference: The national Gender Odyssey Family conference is held each summer in Seattle WA.  This conference includes a full track of programming for gender nonconforming and transgender teens. Siblings and friends who are teens are welcome to attend.  Parents and other adult family members have their own set of workshops within the conference.   Great workshops, fun social events/parties, and excellent keynote speakers are all part of this 3-day event in August.  For more information about dates, registration, scholarships, programming - Phone: 1-855-4 GENDER (toll free); Email info@GenderOdysseyFamily.org; Website: http://www.GenderOdysseyFamily.org

 Gender Odyssey Family Conference on Facebook… http://www.facebook.com/genderodysseyfamily

Gender Spectrum Education and Training: is committed to increasing awareness and understanding of the normal range of gender variations found in everyone. They offer individual consultation to therapists, police officers, lawyers, teachers, school administrators, social workers, camp directors, counselors, and parents; training for school staff (pre-K through university level); and workshops for parents and students. http://www.genderspectrum.org

Gender Spectrum offers free monthly support and information groups for parents of gender variant and transgender children in Oakland, CA.: "We meet regularly to discuss what gender variance means to our children and our families. Through examination of current research and sharing with each other, we learn to navigate our own struggles, support our children in the best way possible, and work to make the world a safer place for our children." For more information, phone: 1-877-809-4159 or email: info@genderspectrum.org; Children's Hospital Oakland - 6:30 - 8:30 pm on the third Wednesday of each month. Oakland support group flier with directions

If You Are Concerned About Your Child's Gender Behaviors: A Parent guide: from Children's National Medical Center in Washington D.C..  Sections include: Defining Gender-Variance; Commonly Seen Behaviors; Why Gender-Variance Occurs; What to Expect in the Future; Child's View of Himself; Can it be Changed?; How to Help; Pitfalls to Avoid; Dealing With My Feelings; and Seeking Professional Help. Printed copies of the booklet they publish in English & Spanish are available for a .50 donation to cover printing and postage.  http://www.childrensnational.org/files/PDF/DepartmentsandPrograms/Neuroscience/Psychiatry/GenderVariantOutreachProgram/GVParentBrochure.pdf   

Jóvenes de Hoy is Entre Hermanos' support group for youth aged 15 to 25. It's a safe space for the free expression of sexual identity, offering health programs especially focused on HIV. Jóvenes de Hoy also focuses on coming-out issues, family reconciliation, and how to stop/deal with social pressures at they relate to sexual orientation. Recreational activities include sports activities, picnics and social events. Este es nuestro grupo que apoya la juventud. La edad de los miembros fluctúa entre los 15 y 25 años. Nos reunimos con la intención de construir un espacio seguro que permita la libre expresión de identidad sexual. Nuestro grupo ofrece programas de salud enfocados especialmente en prevención del VIH/SIDA. Jóvenes de Hoy también se enfoca en algunos temas tales como salir del closet, reconciliación familiar, y cómo lidiar con la presión social respecto a nuestra orientación sexual. La recreación forma una parte importante de este grupo e incluyen actividades deportivas, picnics y reuniones sociales.  http://www.myspace.com/seattlejovenesdehoy; or call Luis Fernando Ramirez Limon at 206-322-7700.

A new sign designates
a unisex restroom at
Kent State University,
transgender students.


Mom, I Need To Be a Girl: This amazing book was written by the mom of a transsexual child who transitioned -- including surgery -- with mom's help while still in high school. It includes, at the end, sections with advice to trans youth and their parents, questions to ask in choosing a counselor, an endocrinologist, and more. The book is available free at the web site in Arabic, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Portuguese, and German - in html and pdf versions at http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/Evelyn/Evelyn.html and in a 140 page second edition in English, published on December 27, 2007, ISBN: 1419684388 available at http://www.booksurge.com/Mom-I-Need-to-be-a/A/1419684388.htm

Our Trans Children: and in Spanish asNuestros/As Hijos/As Trans: this publication of the Transgender Network of PFLAG explains what it means to be transgender and discusses the special issues of transgender children and youth. It includes resources, a reading list of articles & book reviews and more.  The  4th Edition can be accessed as a pdf file at:  http://www.pflag.org/TNET_Store.788.0.html: http://www.pflag.org/fileadmin/user_upload/TNET/Our_Trans_Children_Version_4.pdf (pdf format) and same in Spanish: http://www.pflag.org/fileadmin/user_upload/TNET/Nuestros_as_V3_Master_small.pdf (pdf format) 

Parent Support Group for families with gender variant children: Gender Spectrum offers a monthly support and information group for parents of gender nonconforming and transgender children. We meet regularly to discuss what gender diversity means to our children and our families. Through examination of current research and sharing with each other, we learn to navigate our own struggles, support our children in the best way possible, and work to make the world a safer place for our children. Bay Area In-Person Support Group - 6:30 - 8:30 pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, Oakland, California, FREE. For more information, including dates and times, please call us at 510-567-3977, or email us at info@genderspectrum.org. National Phone-In Support Group - For those not living in the Bay Area, or whose schedule can’t accommodate the in-person support group, you can still join other parents and caregivers via our national monthly Parent Support Conference Call. 5:00 - 7:00 pm (PST) on the last Wednesday of each month, FREE. For more information or to sign up, please call us at 510-567-3977, or email us at info@genderspectrum.org.

A Path to Greater Understanding: This web page introduces you to ten people whose stories may surprise you. If you have always wondered what "transgender" and "intersex" meant, check this page out. If you have wondered whether there was a place in religious institutions for gender-different people, check this page out and consider ordering the booklet by the same name: http://www.madeinimage.org/

Safe2pee: Wiki-type database helps identify safe restrooms in Europe and North America for folks experiencing harassment/violence in trying to use the potty. Taking web innovations and applying them to a very real problem facing many in our society: harassment, violence and discrimination in public restrooms. The goal of the project is to create a resource where people who do not feel comfortable with traditional public restrooms can find safe alternatives, and to support advocacy and research to further the cause of gender free, inclusive bathrooms. http://www.safe2pee.org/

SafeandRespectful.org - from Domestic Violence Task Force and Victims' Rights Task Force Prevention Subcommittee, based in Delaware - "The Prevention Subcommittee is made up of dedicated people who believe that in order for our children to grow up and become healthy and happy adults we need to start teaching them as young people how to have safe and respectful relationships." While not exclusively LGBT focused, they do have these interesting pages about gender:

Support group for parents and families of gender non-conforming and transgender children and youth age 18 and under in Portland, OR. TransActive Education & Advocacy, the Portland, Oregon-based non-profit, has established a "TransActive Family Outreach and Support" (TFOS) group for parents and family members of gender non-conforming and transgender children and youth age 18 and under. When: The second Monday of every month, beginning September 14, 2009 from 7:00-9:00 PM. Where: Portland, Oregon Metro Area (Location provided upon registration) TFOS will provide an opportunity for parents and family of trans children and youth to share their experiences with one another in a secure and supportive setting. Additionally, TransActive staff, volunteers and guest speakers will cover a variety of educational topics relevant to the lives of these families, their children and youth. TFOS group meetings are free of charge to participating family members and caregivers. Childcare may be available if needed. For more information and to register to attend, call 503-927-7052 or email family@transactiveonline.org; Website: http://www.TransActiveOnline.org

Supporting Transgender and Transsexual students in K-12 Schools: from Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), the fifth publication in an educational series designed to assist teachers, administrators and counselors in understanding sexual and gender minority issues. Authored by Dr. Kristopher Wells, Gayle Roberts and Carol Allan, the 57-page guidebook aims to demystify gender variance and provide evidence-based information for educators wishing to create caring, respectful and safe learning environments for all students. The per unit cost is $5 (bulk order discounts will apply) and is available for online ordering: http://www.ctf-fce.ca/catalogue/default.aspx?lang=EN 

Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth: Recommendations for Schools: See this really important document from the Transgender Law Center. It addresses problems ranging from lack of gender-neutral bathrooms to confidentiality, with specific recommendations for addressing each problem: http://www.transgenderlaw.org/resources/tlcschools.htm

Transgender and Gender Variant Support Group: Seattle Children's Hospital - Does your child prefer to wear the clothes of the "opposite" gender or insist that he is really a girl or that she is really a boy? Do you struggle with how best to support your child while helping them stay safe? Is your child transgender or is this just a phase? You are not alone. Join this support and information group, and share your experiences with other parents and family members. The group meets monthly on the third Sunday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Child care is available. For more information, contact Aidan Key via email: info@genderdiversity.org; phone: 206-853-9390 or 855-4-GENDER. Website: http://www.seattlechildrens.org/clinics-programs/support-groups/

Transsexual Roadmap: See especially "self-acceptance" and "transitioning early in life" http://www.tsroadmap.com

Transgender-inclusive Policies in Schools, Colleges and Universities: http://www.transgenderlaw.org/college/index.htm#schools

Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students: Your Rights At School - June 2012 (pdf format) - from National Center for Transgender Equality. Bullying, harassment, or discrimination against transgender or gender nonconforming students is covered by Title IX, a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in schools. This resource outlines the rights trans and gender nonconforming students have in schools and how to file formal complaints.   

Trans People Fact Sheet D: LINKS: Trans youth: from The New Zealand Human Rights Commission. http://www.hrc.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/TGI-Fact-Sheet-D.html

Why Don't You tell Them I'm a Boy? Raising a Gender-Nonconforming Child: by Florence Dillon, mom.  http://www.safeschoolscoalition.org/whydontyoutellthem.pdf  (pdf format)

The Youth and Gender Media Project encompasses a growing collection of short films that capture the diversity and complexity of gender non-conforming youth. In The Family Journey: Raising Gender Nonconforming Children (14 minutes) family members relate their transformations from denial to acceptance and finally to celebration around supporting and nurturing their courageous children. I’m Just Anneke (12 minutes) tells the story of a gender fluid twelve–year–old girl who’s taking hormone blockers that delay puberty so she can decide if she wants to be male, female, or somewhere in–between, when she grows up. Becoming Johanna tells the story of a sixteen–year–old Latina transgender teenager living in Los Angeles whose deeply religious, immigrant mother commits her to a mental hospital against her will in order to prevent her transition to a young woman. The films introduce radical new concepts for many audiences, from the very idea that a young child can be transgender and have the wherewithal to fight against the pressures to conform to a binary gender paradigm, to the new and still very rare use of hormone blockers to delay puberty. However, since the films are structured around universal themes such as parenting and acceptance, identity and difference, growing up and coming of age, tolerance, love and self-esteem, they remain accessible and deeply moving even to people who are resistant to the idea of transgender youth. In collaboration with our outreach partner  Gender Spectrum and several other non-profits dedicated to creating safe and inclusive classrooms for gender nonconforming youth, the films will be used to educate teachers, administrators, parents and students in school communities across the United States. http://www.youthandgendermediaproject.org and to purchase the Youth and Gender Media Project DVD: http://www.newday.com/films/youthandgendermediaproject.html


Books:  top of page

  • Becoming a Visible Man by Jamison Green

  • Finding the Real Me: True Tales of Sex and Gender Diversity edited by Tracie O'Keefe and Katrina Fox

  • Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us by Kate Bornstein

  • Luna by Julie Ann Peters [fiction]

  • Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides [fiction]

  • Mom, I Need To Be a Girl by Just Evelyn, download here  (pdf format)

  • My Gender Workbook: How to Become a Real Man, a Real Woman, the Real You, or Something Else Entirely by Kate Bornstein

  • She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders by Jennifer Finney Boylan

  • Trans Forming Families, Real Stories About Transgendered Loved Ones edited by Mary Boenke

  • Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink of Blue by Leslie Feinberg

  • The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals by Stephanie Brill and Rachel Pepper

  • Transgender Warriors: Making History From Joan of Arc to RuPaul by Leslie Feinberg

  • Transparent: Love, Family, and Living the T with Transgender Teenagers - by Cris Beam
    Excerpt / Teacher's Discussion Guide

  • True Selves – Understanding Transsexualism by Mildred L. Brown, PhD and Chloe Ann Rounsley

  • Why Don't You tell Them I'm a Boy? Raising a Gender-Nonconforming Child by Florence Dillon, download here (pdf format)

LINKS:  top of page


Online Video: 20/20 "My Secret Self"

This is a May 2007 ABC episode of 20/20 in five online segments. It features Barbara Walters as she interviews the families of young transgender children. It is amazingly unbiased, sensitive, and well done. Have your Kleenex handy....

"My Secret Self" Part 1 of 5  top of page

"My Secret Self" Part 2 of 5  top of page

"My Secret Self" Part 3 of 5  top of page

"My Secret Self" Part 4 of 5  top of page

"My Secret Self" Part 5 of 5  top of page



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