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Western Washington Community's Response to Exodus International's Groundswell Conference

Voices from the Community

Carol Waymack, MD  

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Carol Waymack, MD, is a Family Medicine doctor in private practice in North Seattle since 1990.  She just completed a two year term as Chief of Staff at Swedish Medical Center/ Ballard Campus and is a recent recipient of the Outstanding Physician Award at Swedish.  In her practice, she welcomes a number of Lesbian women, including many Lesbian parents in committed relationships.  The mother of an adult Lesbian daughter, Dr. Waymack has been particularly active working for the full inclusion of gay men and Lesbian women in society and in communities of faith.  She was instrumental in assisting her own congregation to declare itself  welcoming to gay men and Lesbians and to become affiliated with the Pacific Northwest Reconciling Ministries Network.   Under the sponsorship of PNW-RMN, she brought to the Northwest in 2004 a three-city Peterson Toscano’s production “Doin’ Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House”, a one man show documenting Toscano’s journey through an ex-gay movement.  She has read extensively about the struggles of organized religion and homosexuality and continues to advocate for inclusiveness and respect for diversity.

Christopher Martell, Ph.D.  

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Christopher Martell, Ph.D., is a psychologist in private practice in Seattle and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Washington. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and President-Elect of APA Division 44 - Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues. He is first author of the book  Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients.

Rev. David Strong

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Rev. David Strong serves as Pastor of the Christian Community Church of Joy. 
He also serves on the Governing Board of the International Christian Community Churches, and Boards of the Religious Coalition for Equality and Multifaith Works. He attended the University of Saint Thomas, Saint Paul, Minnesota and the Emmaus Institute, Atlanta, Georgia for Theological Studies and is a Nonprofit Administrator  in his secular work. http://www.communitychurchofjoy.org  

Bryce McKibben  

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Bryce McKibben is a freshman at the University of Washington. At his
high school in Sammamish, Bryce initiated a Gay-Straight Alliance. He
now represents the University of Washington's "GBLT Commission" in the
Student Senate and volunteers for the group

Todd Tuttle  

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Todd Tuttle is a former Fundamentalist Baptist Minister who attended Jerry Falwell's Liberty University in the early eighties. While as a student at Liberty,  Tuttle met his current partner Marc  Adams. In 1999, Tuttle and Adams  founded HeartStrong, a national  non-profit that reaches out to GLBT 
students from religious schools. Tuttle underwent reparative therapy through an affiliate of Exodus International in 1987 and is the author of several books including The Do's and Don'ts of  Dealing with the Religious Right,  co-authored by Marc Adams.  http://www.heartstrong.org 

Western Washington Community's Response to Exodus International's Groundswell Conference 

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