Subject: IMPORTANT: Safe Schools Coalition Meeting Minutes - Jan. 18, 2011
From: Gabi Clayton ~ Safe Schools Coalition <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 20:21:33 -0800

Dear Safe Schools Coalition Members and Friends:

Tues, Jan. 18, 2011, 3-5 p.m.
Chair:  Frieda Takamura    Recorder:  Penny Palmer

These minutes are online in pdf format here.
1.  Attending: Frieda Takamura, SSC Co-Chair; Penny Palmer, Intervention Specialist Coordinator and co- sec. SSC;
Brianna Herman-Brand, Speakers Bureau Coordinator; Arthur Padilla, Executive Director Rosehedge; Cory Hines, Rosehedge Office Manager

Call in: Gabi Clayton, SSC web spinner
2.  Fiscal Agent update and Treasurer's Report  Michelle and Leadership Team
      Starting 1/19/2011: 
        Snail mail address  Safe Schools c/o Rosehedge, 115 16th Ave, Seattle,
        WA 98122
Donations, publications by credit card  Card will show RH Home Care€¯ instead of Lifelong AIDS Alliance.€¯
        Questions about finances  Contact Treasurer, Michelle Munro      
        ( or Co-Chair, Beth Reis (206.296.4970
         or 800.325.6165, ext. 64970) or Rosehedge Office Manager, Corrie Hines
        (; 206.324.1520, ext. 224)
       Gabi is working on making changes on the website and to SSC documents.
       The addresses of snail mail going to Beth's office, Lifelong and American
        Friends Service Committee have been forwarded to the new address at
        Rosehedge. This will keep all snail mail in one place. Rosehedge will scan
        and send all important information to SSC as it arrives.
3.  Law & Policy Work Group
     HB 3026  Update. The SSC response to the new regulations/WACS is being finalized. Gabi will print and send the letter when next week. We are reacting to the many changes and push backs from the original document. School districts seem to be afraid of lawsuits. In reality, if the regulations were followed, there wouldn't be law suits. We are very concerned the current proposal from the districts and state will not protect kids and will be difficult to enforce.  For more info, contact or
    Gangs in Schools  Our concern is the laws proposed are punative and do not deal with prevention.
     School districts blocking LGBT specific sites  It has come to our attention that some school districts are blocking LGBT websites which means student can not access them at school. For students without computer access elsewhere or needing help immediately this makes it difficult to get information.
4.  Peer Education Project and LGBT youth work in Skagit County  This will be re-scheduled. Colleen Conner, Prevention & Education Coordinator, Skagit County Svcs. Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault will make a presentation.
5.  Intervention Team Report 
This month we had 12 calls come in through the KCSARC crisis line.
We also had 4 calls from out of state:
     a. Louisiana  A school employee of a student coming out as gay requested
     b. Texas  We had a request for a book list on LGBT issues.
     c. Virginia  12 girls bullying other high school girls. Parent requested suggestions on how to get the school more accountable and put more effort into stopping the bullying. Her daughter was beginning to show signs of the stress to include lower grades and depression.
     d. Minnesota  A request for information on stopping cyber bullying
In state cases:
     a. 16 yr. old tried to commit suicide due to bulling and was waiting in a mental
          health facility until a safe school environment could be assured. We
          worked with OEO on this one and they were a great help with the legal
     b. A middle school child was expelled from a religious private school for
         fighting. The child was reacting to bullying which had been reported to the
         principal. We are working to get all the documentation so charges can be
         disputed. The student is now enrolled in the local school and is getting
         counseling. This is an on-going case.
6.  Speakers Bureau Report  Briana
     Thanks to the efforts of both Briana and Gabi, we launched a whole
     new Speakers Bureau page:
     Seattle Foundation donation - $3000 for Speakers Bureau
     Trainers needed:  Bush School training for parents on GLBTQ/Sexual
     Orientation 101,€¯ Feb. 7, 8:45  10:00 a.m. and 7:00  8:15 p.m.
Speakers Bureau & Training Team
Upcoming:        Overlake High School MLK Assembly 1/24
                        Cedar Heights Middle School 2/2
Bush School Parent Workshops (2) 2/7
Date: Location: Trainers: Audience Total:
1/17 GLSEN GSA Summit Tracy  
Date: Location: Tablers:

1/15 WWU MLK Day event Lorraine Kasprisin

Upcoming:        Shoreline Family Connection Event 1/20

                        Community Summit in Spokane (teleconference) 1/22
                        Woodinville Unitarian Church 1/30
7.  Web Site Report  Gabi
     We have new listserv subscribers, since our last meeting, from:
     North Brunswick, NJ;Fort Lauderdale, FL; Hartford, CT; Gig Harbor, WA;
     Chicago, IL; Seattle, WA (11);  Washington, DC; Goleta, CA;
     Toronto, ON, Canada; Olympia, WA; Marquette, MI; Phoenix, AZ (2);     
     Spanaway, WA; Providence, RI; El Cerrito, CA; Hamden, CT; Denver, CO
     San Diego, Ca; Los Angeles, CA; Sequim, WA; Bellingham, WA
     East Lansing, MI; Vancouver, WA; Coppell, TX; Auburn, WA; Detroit, MI;
     Oregon, WI; Clinton, NY; Omaha, NE; Fremont, NE; Okemos, MI
     We had web visitors in Dec, 2010 from 107 countries (e.g.,
     Algeria, Ghana, Cocos Islands, Chile, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Cambodia)    
     In Nov, 2010 from 111 countries (e.g., Georgia, Eritrea, Mongolia, Cote  
     D'Ivoire, Kuwait, Nepal, Hungary)
    December 2010 Website Statistics
    Total Hits 226,006
    Total Page Views 54,465
    Total Visitors 31,890

Membership Report  Gabi  

This week 685 people like our Facebook page. Today's total is 696 people.   Coalition/40410974396
Gabi is looking for a volunteer to help manage our Facebook page. Contact her!

Thank you to PFLAG Skagit County WA for renewing their membership for 2011 without being invoiced!
Gabi will be getting invoices out later this month or early February, but you don't have to wait - you can renew your organization's membership now. See:

 Interested in joining? See

8.  SSC is benefactor of Delta Lambda Phi Inclement Sprint fundraiser. Thank you so much for your support.
9.  Retroactive diplomas for bullied LGBTQ students  The question was brought to us about trying to get retroactive diplomas for students who were bullied in high school causing  them to quit and/or not get a diploma. A student in this situation who has since gone on to be an attorney may request our help. One suggestion was to document the process to help other districts also offer this service.
10. OUTLoud - Heather C.
Alerted us to an event hosted by Jason Hunke to educate folks about YSPP.   To support and RSVP go to
11. Brianna will be representing the SSC on a webinar presented by the Spokane LGBT Center on Saturday. They are expecting over 200 participants who will get information on Pflag, SSC, domestic violence issues and community resources. Due to potential weather conditions, Brianna will testify vie webcam. Carol Ehrhart, who is also an intervention specialist in Spokane along with her leadership role with the Center, also spoke with Sen. Cantwell last week to help identify LGBT issues in that area of the state.
Upcoming Meetings
Contact the chair if you have agenda items or need instructions about meeting logistics.  Everyone is welcome and you do not need to be an SSC member to attend.  Meetings are 3-5 p.m. at Planned Parenthood on Madison in Seattle
Feb. 15  Chair is pending; Recorder: Frank
Mar. 15  Chair, Frieda (; Recorder, Heather C.
Apr. 19  Chair, Stefanie (; Recorder, Penny
May 17  Chair, Heather M (; Recorder, Frank



DONATE TO THE SAFE SCHOOLS COALITION: Click here to make a donation online

Or mail this 
form with your check made to "Safe Schools Coalition":
Safe Schools Coalition
c/o Rosehedge
1401 East Jefferson Street, Suite 401
Seattle, WA  98122
- - - - - - - - - -

About this Listserv
To SUBSCRIBE to the Safe Schools Coalition's  IMPORTANTNEWS  List, which averages 2 messages/week  including only: urgent messages, action items, SSC meeting minutes

To SUBSCRIBE to the Safe Schools Coalition's  NEWS  List, which averages 2 messages/day  including THOSE SAME THINGS plus: events (conferences, courses, rallies, TV specials, activism opportunities) , resources (books, DVDs, scholarships, curricula, and more), jobs and volunteer and internship opportunities, news digests, opinion digests

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The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership of 60+ organizations (government agencies, schools, community agencies, churches, youth/student groups, gay/lesbian groups, human rights groups) and 100+ individuals working to help schools become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn,  regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Safe Schools' website:
Safe Schools' blog:
Join SSC's group on Facebook:
Join SSC's group on LinkedIn:
Follow SSC on Twitter:

Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?
In Washington State:
1-877-SAFE-SAFE  (1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours. Or contact us by email:  Intervention and we will respond within 24 hours.

For non-emergencies:  206-451-SAFE (7233).
Or email us here:

Speakers Bureau (student/community workshops, professional training):
Publications and Listserv

Frieda Takamura, retired from the Washington Education Association.
Beth Reis, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 206-296-4970.
Heather Murphy, Ph.D., school psychologist.
Stefanie Fox, community organizer.
Listserv Managers: 
Beth Reis for Action Items, Resource messages (books, films, curricula, etc.), Professional Journal messages and Help Needed by Reporters/Authors, Researchers, and Member Organizations
Joseph Bonnell and Robyn Walters for News messages
Nik Donia for Event messages
Joyful Freeman for Jobs, Internships, and Volunteer Opportunity messages
Ryan Schwartz for Right Wing Watch messages
Brad A. Palmertree for Opinion (blogs, editorials, letters to the editor)
Nicole Lee for Lesson Planning Guide messages
Beth Reis for
Gabi Clayton for Legislative/Elective messages and Fundraising* messages
* Note: Fundraising messages are only sent for member organizations.
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