Subject: strictly fyi: RIGHT WING WATCH
From: Ryan Schwartz <>
Date: 2/24/2012 4:43 PM

Dear Safe Schools Coalition Members and Friends:

1. PFOX sparks outrage for flyer distribution in MD
TN "Don't Say Gay" bill advances then stalls
3. FAIR opponents cleared to start signature gathering
Focus on the Family creates new video to promote Day of Dialogue
5. Australian anti-bullying program in controversy after comments from leading rabbi
6. St. Petersburg, Russia advances new law outlawing LGBT activism in front of children
Candi Cushman appears at CPAC to warn of "thought control" from bullying prevention

1. PFOX sparks outrage for flyer distribution in MD

Parents & Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays sparked outrage at a district policy after it sent students at Einstein High School in Rockville, MD home with fliers saying same-sex attraction can be changed. 
Check out the flier and comments from concerned parents here.  In response to the outrage, the superintendent of the district called the flyers 'reprehensible and deplorable' but said the district is required by law to let all non-profits send material home with students and cannot filter the handouts. Now, PFOX is calling for the superintendent to resign for his remarks and for not respecting the view that sexual orientation can be changed. Southern Poverty Law Center responded to the controversy by promoting their 1-page flyer that highlights the harms and failed reasoning of the ex-gay therapies PFOX promotes

2. TN "Don't Say Gay" bill advances then stalls

The notorious don't say gay bill in TN experienced a roller coaster the past two weeks. First,
the bill advanced out of its House subcommittee (it already cleared the Senate), despite the attendance of dozens of students who stand opposed to the bill. During the testimony, one advocate said kids are already watching shows such as 'Modern Family,' which garnered a response from the bill's sponsor that 'Modern Family' is not appropriate for children. The View spoke about the bill for a few minutes the following day, with a guest from the show. It was then supposed to be debated by the House committee, but that debate was postponed after an amendment was proposed to simply require policies that ensure age-appropriate discussions of sexuality. Now the bill is possibly stalled, especially after the governor expressed reservations about the bill. The governor acknowledged that the proposal has garnered negative national attention.

3. FAIR opponents cleared to start signature gathering

Opponents of California's new Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful Education Act have 
been given a green light by the state's attorney general to start gathering signatures to place the measure on November's ballot. Proponents have until July 16 to collect the 504,760 valid signatures. The FAIR act requires positive portrayals of LGBT people in school curricula. 

Focus on the Family creates new video to promote Day of Dialogue

Focus on the Family has
a new internet video to promote its Day of Dialogue, an anti-LGBT movement created in response to GLSEN's popular Day of Silence. The theme is "let's get the conversation started" [about God's plan for your sexuality]. The video is quite hokey; enjoy.
5. Australian anti-bullying program in controversy after comments from leading rabbi
A leading Australian rabbi has come under fire for attacking programs that aim to prevent gay children being bullied at school. The program is the Safe Schools Coalition Victoria (SSCV), which is funded by the Department of Education and trains teachers in combating bullying of students for their sexual orientation. His comments faced immediately backlash from other political and religious leaders. 

6. St. Petersburg, Russia advances new law outlawing LGBT activism in front of children
A proposed law is advancing its way through the St. Petersburg legislative body that would introduce fines for advocating gay and lesbian relationships in front of children. The bill effectively outlaws gay-pride parades and any other public displays or discussions about LGBT issues. Anti-gay advocates packed the parliament during today's testimonyDespite petitions from many people, the bill is expected to come up for a vote on Feb. 29. 

Candi Cushman appears at CPAC to warn of "thought control" from bullying prevention
Focus on the Family's schools spokesperson Candi Cushman spoke at a CPAC panel titled "In the Name of 'Tolerance:' Countering Sexual Identity Politics in Schools, calling bullying prevention programs a form of thought control. Listen to her remarks here. 


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Penny Palmer

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