Subject: strictly fyi: birth control, trans & gender variant students, Oregon report, new federal web site, nominate a nurse
From: "Reis, Beth" <>
Date: 5/16/2012 1:56 PM

Dear Safe Schools Coalition Members and Friends:


(1) interactive birth control comparison web tool from the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals*

(2) radio piece from public radio about support for transgender & gender non-conforming students in Seattle

(3) Oregon Safe Schools and Communities Coalition releases 1st annual State of the Safe Schools Act report

(4) U.S. Education Department OESE/OSHS’ Safe and Supportive Schools TA Center Announces New Website Feature, Voices from the Field

(5) American School Health Association Seeks Nominations for Outstanding School Nurse Achievement Award


* NOTE: Whenever we include items about contraception or pregnancy in SSC list digests, someone asks why an LGBTQ-youth-focused listserv is doing so. The answer is simple: Studies show that lesbian, gay and bisexual youth are at increased risk of being involved in a pregnancy. See and




(1) interactive birth control comparison web tool from the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals


Go to:




(2) radio piece from public radio about support for transgender and gender non-conforming students in Seattle


The short KUOW piece focuses on NOVA (a public alternative high school) and how they are supporting and making transgender and gender variant students feels safe. It lets students speak for themselves re: issues they face at school. It mentions that Seattle Public Schools’ health intervention office will be taking new guidelines to the school board this spring. Safe Schools Coalition has been providing some technical assistance, serving on a mostly-district-staff committee drafting those guidelines. We will keep you posted on their progress.


Listen or read a transcript of the story here:




(3) Oregon Safe Schools and Communities Coalition releases 1st annual State of the Safe Schools Act report


Based on feedback from community members in Oregon and the advice of peer organizations across the Country,

OSSCC decided to make monitoring of the implementation of this bill a priority … This report is the first in a series of annual reports created with leadership from OGALLA: The LGBT Bar Association of Oregon to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the laws designed to keep kids safe in Oregon’s schools. This effort constitutes an attainable and modest first step, considering questions about curriculum, training and peer education, which we have learned are critically important to achieving our mission. Nevertheless, we hope it will be a positive first step to help further our vision of schools where students are able to attend class and learn free of fear caused by bullying and harassment, regardless of whether they are gay or transgender.


Read the report here:




(4) U.S. Education Department OESE/OSHS’ Safe and Supportive Schools TA Center Announces New Website Feature, Voices from the Field


The Safe and Supportive Schools Technical Assistance Center (SSSTA), supported by the Office of Safe and Healthy Students in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, announces its new webinar related feature on the Safe and Supportive Schools website called Voices from the Field:


Voices from the Field provides administrators, teachers, school support staff, community, and family members a place to voice what they think and are doing to make your school(s) safe and supportive.  Specifically, on Voices from the Field you can share what you think by responding to a polling question, see what others think by viewing the poll’s results, see what experts think by reading a short post that includes references and related resources, and share your experiences by posting comments on safe and supportive schools topics. 


Voices from the Field is updated with a new topic each month and all topics are archived for future reference. The topic for this month is focused on implementing school climate improvements which will also be addresses in this month’s Webinar. We look forward to hearing from the field on how school climate improvements are being implemented! 


NOTE: If the organization you work for has a Website, you can post the Voices from the Field widget on it so your constituents can share what they think, see what experts think and share their experiences in making schools safe and supportive.  A widget is a dynamic web application that includes a graphic that can link from your Website to the Voices from the Field page and updates automatically each month.  To post the Voices from the Field widget on your Website, simply click on “share this widget” from the Voices from the Field box on the Safe and Supportive Schools home page:, choose which graphical image you prefer, copy the respective html code and work with your web administrator to enter the code into your Website. 


For more information on the Webinar or assistance in posting the Voices from the Field widget on your Website, email




(5) American School Health Association Seeks Nominations for Outstanding School Nurse Achievement Award


The School Nurse Section of the American School Health Association (ASHA) is accepting nominations for the Outstanding School Nurse Achievement Award.  Nominations are due by May 22, 2012.  The 2012 Outstanding School Nurse Achievement AWARD will be announced and presented at the 86th Annual ASHA School Health Conference, October 10-13, 2012 in San Antonio, Texas.


Criteria for nominations include the following:


1. Demonstration of professional competence and expertise, which results in significant contribution to school nursing.

2. Demonstration of leadership in school nursing.


3. Active involvement in a professional organization that emphasizes school nursing.

4. Demonstration of involvement with community health care providers in supporting and promoting school health programs.

5. 5 years of full-time experience in school nursing.

6. Preference will be given to current members of ASHA.

7. Include three letters of professional recommendations.


In addition to the above 7 points, nominations must also include a resume (maximum of 2 pages).   ASHA is requesting that the school nurse nominee assist in completing this application process by addressing the requirements of this application so that all the criteria are addressed.


Send nominations to: American School Health Association, 4340 East West Highway, Suite 403, Bethesda, MD 20814.

The Nomination Deadline is May 22, 2012.  If you have questions, contact Cheryl Smoot, ASHA, School Nurse Section, Chair-Elect at 651 201-3631 or  




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Safe Schools Coalition
c/o Rosehedge
1401 East Jefferson Street, Suite 401
Seattle, WA 98122

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The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership of 60+ organizations (government agencies, schools, community agencies, churches, youth/student groups, gay/lesbian groups, human rights groups) and 100+ individuals working to help schools become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

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Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?

In Washington State:

1-877-SAFE-SAFE (1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours. Or contact us by email (click here: Intervention) and we will respond within 24 hours.


For non-emergencies: 206-451-SAFE (7233).

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Speakers Bureau



Beth Reis, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 206-296-4970
Michelle Munro, not representing a member org
Mo Lewis, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center
Matthew Wilson, Oasis/Pierce County AIDS Foundation



Heather Carter, Youth Suicide Prevention Program
Frank Couch, Science & Management of Addictions Foundation
Penny Palmer, not representing a member org


Listserv Managers:

Beth Reis for Action Items, Resource messages (books, films, curricula, etc.), Professional Journal messages and Help Needed by Reporters/Authors, Researchers, and Member Organizations
Corey Bernstein and Robyn Walters for News messages
Nik Donia for Event messages
Open position for Jobs, Internships, and Volunteer Opportunity messages
Ryan Schwartz for Right Wing Watch messages
Julie Parmenter for Opinion (blogs, editorials, letters to the editor) messages
Colleen Mullins for Lesson Planning Guide messages
Gabi Clayton for Legislative/Elective messages and Fundraising* messages
    * Note: Fundraising messages are only sent for member organizations.

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