Subject: Action Alerts: remove Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education from the list of approved programs; petitioning the Delaware Legislatures for Civil Marriage in 2013; Call on Congress to pass the Safe Schools Improvement Act
From: Gabi Clayton ~ Safe Schools Coalition <>
Date: 5/22/2012 8:29 PM

Dear Safe Schools Coalition Members and Friends:

1)  Action Alert: A Bold Step Forward for Comprehensive Sex Education - remove Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education from the list of approved programs
2)  Action Alert: Delaware Marriage Equality will be petitioning the Delaware Legislatures for Civil Marriage in 2013
3)  Action Alert: "Toning It Down" Isn't a Solution: Call on Congress to pass the Safe Schools Improvement Act
Note: We are sharing these items because we believe that they are issues Safe Schools Coalition members and friends may be interested in.
If you have opinion about them, please let your voice be heard.

1)  Action Alert: A Bold Step Forward for Comprehensive Sex Education

May 18, 2012


Yesterday, the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS (PACHA) took the bold step in officially recognizing the rights of young people to comprehensive sex education to ensure that they receive the information and education they need to make healthy and responsible decisions about their sexual health.


On its own, this is important and exciting news. In the context of the recent decision by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to include the abstinence-only-until-marriage program, Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education, on its approved programs list, PACHA's resolution could not be more timely.


TAKE ACTION: Ask Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius to remove Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education from the list of approved programs.


Comprehensive sex education programs not only provide age-appropriate information about abstinence, contraception, pregnancy and STD prevention, and basic biology — they also include critical topics such as healthy relationships, communication skills, and information inclusive of and relevant to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) youth. In contrast, abstinence-only-until-marriage programs withhold life-saving information, promote gender stereotypes, stigmatize GLBT youth, and too often include medical misinformation. The choice could not be more clear.


For decades, public health experts — including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Society of Adolescent Medicine — have supported a comprehensive approach to sex education to ensure the health and well-being of all young people. With this historic move, PACHA now joins this esteemed group in its support of comprehensive sex education.


TAKE ACTION: Ask Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius to remove Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education from the list of approved programs.


We hope the Obama administration hears its own advisory council loud and clear. Secretary Sebelius has a responsibility to ensure that HHS reviews not only the data but also the content of each and every program endorsed by the administration. The inclusion of Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education on the list of approved, evidence-based programs is frighteningly shortsighted.


President Obama has called for "an AIDS-free generation," but if we are ever to see that day, we must ensure that our nation's youth have the information and skills they need to make healthy and responsible decisions.


By taking a stand for comprehensive sex education, the President's Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS has taken us one step closer to that reality.




Deb Hauser


Advocates for Youth


2000 M Street NW Suite 750 | Washington, DC 20036 US

2)  Action Alert: Delaware Marriage Equality will be petitioning the Delaware Legislatures for Civil Marriage in 2013

May 20, 2012

To whom is may concern:

Delaware Marriage Equality will be petitioning the Delaware Legislatures for Civil Marriage in 2013. 

The next step for Marriage Equality after Civil Unions.  
Delaware residents can be an enormous help by signing the petition online at

Delaware Marriage Equality has joined forces with Delaware Right to Marry 
Delaware Right to Marry is the creator of the online petition.

Charles Mead-e, Founder
Delaware Marriage Equality


  Action Alert: "Toning It Down" Isn't a Solution: Call on Congress to pass the Safe Schools Improvement Act

May 22, 2012

A young gay man is constantly and violently bullied by his classmates.
He asks his school administration for help.
They say he needs to "tone down" his flamboyant behavior, and stop wearing girls' clothes.

We saw this story in California in 2008, when Lawrence King was ultimately murdered by a classmate who had been tormenting him for months. School officials, defense attorneys, and commentators all maintained that Lawrence shouldn't have worn high heels and lipstick — that his outrageous get-ups enraged his murderer. That he, Lawrence, held the responsibility to prevent his murder — not the boy who murdered him, or the school that failed to protect him, or the culture that made him a target. Lawrence should have toned it down.

In Indianapolis this month, we're seeing another young victim of bullying: Darnell "Dynasty" Young.

Darnell is 17 and openly gay. He was frequently bullied by classmates — they hounded him, harassed him, followed him, threw rocks and bottles at him.

He told school officials at least 10 times. They told him to "tone it down." So, Darnell Young's mother gave him a stun gun. And, the next time he was cornered by six violent students, he brandished it. The result? Arsenal Tech High School suddenly located its zero tolerance policy — and expelled Darnell.

TAKE ACTION: Take a stand against bullying. Tell Congress to pass the Safe Schools Improvement Act!

Ten reports of bullying, a group assault on one young person, and the result is that young person is expelled. No penalties for the bullies — they ran off while school police arrested Darnell.

Sure, pretty much no one thinks stun guns should go in kids' backpacks. Many, even most, may agree with Darnell's expulsion, and the school district is certainly sticking by it. No student should bring a weapon to school.

But — and this is the critical point that keeps getting overlooked — no student should ever feel they have to bring a weapon to school to prevent being assaulted.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to pass the Safe Schools Improvement Act to help stop bullying around the country.

The story shouldn't end with Darnell's expulsion — that is why we are calling on Congress to finally get serious about preventing bullying and pass the Safe Schools Improvement Act.

LGBT young people have no responsibility or imperative to "tone down" their gender expression or hide their sexual orientation. We have the responsibility to protect these youth in schools and to teach students the value of accepting and valuing all types of people.

Julia Reticker-Flynn
Youth Activist Network Coordinator
Advocates for Youth

2000 M Street NW Suite 750 | Washington, DC 20036 US




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Speakers Bureau


Beth Reis, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 206-296-4970
Michelle Munro, not representing a member org
Mo Lewis, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center
Matthew Wilson, Oasis/Pierce County AIDS Foundation


Heather Carter, Youth Suicide Prevention Program
Frank Couch, Science & Management of Addictions Foundation
Penny Palmer, not representing a member org

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    *Note: Fundraising messages are only sent for member organizations.

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