Subject: strictly fyi: activism, health literacy, homeless LGBT youth, funding for crime victim services, survey participants needed
From: "Reis, Beth" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 19:05:58 -0700

Dear Safe Schools Coalition Members and Friends:
"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong.  Because someday in your life you will have been all of these." ~ George Washington Carver
(who is, incidentally, believed to have been gay -- see and
(1) Free downloadable guide: So Change It: A Guide for High School Youth Activists
(2) Newly revamped Make It Better! web site for students and adults
(3) Free NEA 1-hour archived webinar for teachers about teaching health literacy & how to access health care
(4) Free 3-part online film series (6-9 minutes, each part) for people serving homeless LGBT youth
(5) Federal funding oppty for those providing services for (among others) LGBTQ crime victims – deadline to apply: July 5
(6) Researchers seek LGBT educators to complete short online survey
(7) YouTube video from GLAD for LGBTQ students in Massachusetts about their rights
* NOTE FROM SAFE SCHOOLS COALITION: We only forward this sort of research request to the list serve when we have researchers’ assurances that their projects have been approved by their own university’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) process. This group of researchers at Millersville University gave us this assurance 4 years ago when we helped them recruit participants for their original survey.
(1) Free downloadable guide: So Change It: A Guide for High School Youth Activists
From Advocates for Youth and the Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project.
You could be working for:
§ Increased HIV education and testing, counseling, and treatment services;
§ School condom availability;
§ Equal and fair treatment for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth;
§ An end to racial/ethnic unfairness;
§ Improved confidential health services for low income youth; or, of course,
§ Comprehensive sex education.
The Guide can work equally well, regardless of the cause that fires you up.
Go to:
(2) Newly revamped Make It Better! web site
Gay-Straight Alliance Network launched the Make It Better Project in October 2010 to raise a question left out of the national dialogue about LGBT youth and the bullying epidemic: what can we do to make it better?  In recent months, we’re happy to say, everyone from Lady Gaga to President Obama has asked that question. GSA Network is providing answers.
Our new, revamped Make It Better Project website offers simple, concrete steps that you can take to create safer schools for all students.
Follow the safer schools movement and check it out, along with our Facebook and Twitter pages. Teacher, student, parent, reporter, adult ally no matter who you are, the Make It Better Project has a role for you to play! LGBT and allied youth should not have to suffer through bullying at school. You can Make It Better NOW!
Go to:
As the Make It Better Project Coordinator, I’d like to thank you all for your work as allies to LGBT youth. And I warmly invite you to use these new tools to Make It Better!
Jill Marcellus
Communications Coordinator Make It Better Project
(3) Free NEA 1-hour archived webinar for teachers about teaching health literacy & how to access health care
Go to:
(4) Free 3-part online film series (6-9 minutes, each part) for people serving homeless LGBT youth
From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Larkin Street Stories: Serving Homeless Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth is a three-part video series offering tips on best practices for providers serving lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth who are homeless.
Go to:
Episode 1: The Homeless LGBT Experience
Authors: Homelessness Resource Center (HRC)
Publication Date: 2011
Meet Toby, Loch, and the youth from Larkin Street Youth Services in San Francisco. In Episode 1 of Larkin Street Stories they discuss their approach to supporting and accepting LGBT youth who are homeless. At the Larkin Street Drop-In Center, youth talk about how family rejection of their LGBTQ identity led them to leave home. Loch talks about the importance of being present for a client, and Toby reflects on her approach to helping youth to see th...
Episode 2: Confronting Hate Speech and Homophobia
Authors: Homelessness Resource Center (HRC)
Publication Date: 2011
In Episode 2 of Larkin Street Stories, Toby offers tips on how to create a safe and welcoming space for LBGTQ youth. During staff meeting, Toby and the Larkin Street staff discuss how to handle hate speech when it occurs between youth. After work, Toby spends time in the park with her daughter and reflects on keeping healthy boundaries between work and family time.
Episode 3: Neither/Nor: Working with Transgender Youth
Authors: Homelessness Resource Center (HRC)
Publication Date: 2011
In Episode 3 of Larkin Street Stories, Toby coaches a transgender youth who is preparing for an important job interview. During staff meeting, Larkin Street staff members discuss the importance of never making assumptions about a youth's identity and allowing youth to self-identify. Loch shares Larkin Street's approach to creating an intake form that is inclusive of all identities.
(5) Federal funding oppty in advancing services for (among other things) LGBTQ crime victims’ access to mainstream victim services – deadline to apply: July 5
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), and Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) have released a funding opportunity announcement that may be relevant to refugee service providers, under the National Field-Generated Training, Technical Assistance, and Demonstration Projects cooperative agreement solicitation. This program furthers the Department’s mission by supporting the development of national-scope training, technical assistance, and demonstration project initiatives that strengthen the capacity of victim service and ancillary service providers to serve victims or enhance providers’ ability to support victims in accessing needed services and rights to which they are entitled.
This competitive solicitation allows the field to submit applications for funding for training, technical assistance, and demonstration projects that are national in scope (defined as relevant and useful to many or most communities and states across the Nation); address gaps in the field in the areas of training and technical assistance; or develop promising practices, models, or programs through demonstration projects.
All initiatives, whether related to training, technical assistance, or development of promising practices, models, and programs must be focused on improving the capacity of victim service providers and allied practitioners in advancing rights and services for crime victims in the areas of child pornography; drunk and impaired driving; mortgage fraud; sexual assault within correctional settings; coordinated state-tribal crime victim services; long-term mental health and other consequences of mass violence; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning (LGBTQ) crime victims’ access to mainstream victim services; services for young male victims of color; and using technology to improve and enhance victim services.
OVC FY 2011 National Field-Generated Training, Technical Assistance, and Demonstration Projects (PDF, 246 KB) <>
For further information, please see:
(6) Researchers seek LGBT educators to complete short online survey
This message is to invite you to participate in an important research study of LGBT educators' perceptions of their school climate. We conducted the first study four years ago and the results were troubling. We have revised the survey for two purposes: 1) to obtain more valid and reliable results (with the improved survey instrument) and 2) to draw comparisons between the two studies. We completed a pilot study of the new survey and are now distributing it for wider data collection, with the hopes of obtaining a large, nationally representative sample.
Will you please invest approximately 20 minutes and give us your perceptions at the website below. The website is available until June 30, 2011 at
Your answers are totally confidential. They cannot be traced to you or your email address. We do, however, give you the opportunity to indicate whether you wish to receive results of the study and tell us where to send them or the website address where they are posted.
Please help us by completing this survey. Feel free to contact either of us for further information.
Tiffany E. Wright, EdD
Career Academy Principal
York County School of Technology
Adjunct Professor
Millersville University
Nancy J Smith, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Millersville University
(7) YouTube video from GLAD for LGBTQ students in Massachusetts about their rights
Go to:
DONATE TO THE SAFE SCHOOLS COALITION: Click here to make a donation online

Or mail this form with your check made to "Safe Schools Coalition": Safe Schools Coalition
c/o Rosehedge
1401 East Jefferson Street, Suite 401
Seattle, WA 98122 - - - - - - - - - -

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The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership of 60+ organizations (government agencies, schools, community agencies, churches, youth/student groups, gay/lesbian groups, human rights groups) and 100+ individuals working to help schools become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Safe Schools' website:
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Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?

In Washington State:
1-877-SAFE-SAFE (1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours. Or contact us by email: Intervention: and we will respond within 24 hours.

For non-emergencies: 206-451-SAFE (7233).
Or email us here:
Speakers Bureau (student/community workshops, professional training): Membership
Publications and Listserv
Frieda Takamura, retired from the Washington Education Association.
Beth Reis, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 206-296-4970.
Heather Murphy, Ph.D., school psychologist.
Stefanie Fox, community organizer.

Listserv Managers:
Beth Reis for Action Items, Resource messages (books, films, curricula, etc.), Professional Journal messages and Help Needed by Reporters/Authors, Researchers, and Member Organizations
Joseph Bonnell and Robyn Walters for News messages
Tara DeZao for Event messages
Ethan Blustein for Jobs, Internships, and Volunteer Opportunity messages
Ryan Schwartz for Right Wing Watch messages
Julie Parmenter for Opinion (blogs, editorials, letters to the editor) messages
HELP NEEDED for Lesson Planning Guide messages - message will go to Beth Reis for info on volunteering
Gabi Clayton for Legislative/Elective messages and Fundraising* messages
* Note: Fundraising messages are only sent for member organizations.

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This message has been distributed as a free, non-profit informational service, to members of the Coalition and others who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. Please do not publish or post in a public place on the Internet, copyrighted material without attribution. Forwarding of this material should not necessarily be construed as an endorsement of the content.