Subject: fyi: new co-chair, HELP NEEDED, safe place program, researchers seek subjects, nominate someone
From: "Reis, Beth"
Date: 10/3/2011 2:22 PM

Dear Safe Schools Coalition Members and Friends:
(1) Exciting: Coalition has a new Co-Chair
(2) HELP still NEEDED: The Coalition still needs two volunteers to help with this listserv 2-4 hours/week … it's fun and we'll train you
(3) YouthCare, King County Metro Provide Safe Space for Youth in Crisis … tell a bus driver or text your location for help!
(4) researcher seeks subjects … 18-22 years old and LGBT or questioning or who have had sex with or felt attracted to people of their own sex…anywhere*
(5) Models of Pride is now accepting nominations for the 2011 Rolf/Uribe Leadership Award … in Southern CA or able to travel there Oct 15th
* NOTE: Safe Schools Coalition forwards requests from researchers only if their studies have been approved by a college or university or governmental Institutional Review Board. This study has.
(1) Exciting: Coalition has a new Co-Chair
As you know if you've come to meetings or read minutes, Charlie Shealey has had to step down as Co-Chair. We wish Charlie the best as he moves to the east coast.
We're excited to announce that Matthew Wilson from OASIS (Tacoma, WA) will be stepping into the Co-Chair seat.
Our Leadership Team now consists of:
        Mo Lewis, King county Sexual Assault Resource Center
        Heather Murphy, Ph.D., Shoreline Public Schools and the University of Washington
        Beth Reis, Public Health -- Seattle & King County
        Matthew Wilson, OASIS Youth Center, a program of the Pierce County AIDS Foundation
        Heather Carter, Youth Suicide Prevention Program
        Frank Couch, Science and Management of Addictions (SAMA) Foundation
        Penny Palmer, retired educator and Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Team Chair
Treasurer: Michelle Munro, former Executive Director of Seattle Counseling Service
Welcome, Matthew!
(2) HELP still NEEDED: The Coalition still needs two volunteers to help with this listserv 2-4 hours/week … it's fun and we'll train you
We need one person to take over EVENTS digests and one to take over NEWS digests. We can document your volunteer hours as "service learning" if you are a student in need of the credit. If you can help as part of your job and your organization or agency belongs to the Coalition, your hours can count in lieu of annual dues.
(3) YouthCare, King County Metro Provide Safe Space for Youth in Crisis … tell a bus driver or text your location for help!
Help is just a bus away for the 1,000 young people in King County without a safe place to go, thanks to a new partnership between King County, YouthCare, Auburn Youth Resources, Friends of Youth, and “Safe Place”, a national non-profit organization that builds community safety nets for young people in crisis.
How does it work?
When a young person in crisis needs help, all he or she has to do is approach any Metro bus driver and say, “I need a safe place.” The operator will then make a call that will trigger contact with a youth service provider, who will arrange to meet and transport the youth to safety.
What happens next depends on the needs of the youth. Sometimes it’s counseling and providing help to reunite the child with family or friends. In the absence of alternatives, youth can be taken to a safe shelter. In addition to help from Metro drivers, young people in King County have another option if they need help quickly. “Text 4 HELP” is a National Safe Place service being introduced that uses technology to offer information about the closest location to access immediate help and safety. By texting the word “SAFE” and their current location to 69866, youth can get help within seconds. In our area, they will be referred to shelters that will provide the assistance they need.
Why do we need Safe Place?
On any given night, United Way estimates there are 700-1,000 young people with no safe place to sleep in Seattle alone. Some are abandoned, some are abused, and few know where to get help. It’s estimated that at least 300-500 children in King County under the age of 18 are sexually exploited each year. That’s a troubling statistic, given estimates that one in three runaways will be lured into prostitution within 48 hours. Many young people already ride Metro buses; now they know they can ask a bus driver for help, and the bus driver knows where to direct them to be sure they get the help they need.
With the addition of Metro and the local service agenciesYouthCare, Friends of Youth, and Auburn Youth ResourcesKing County becomes the largest Safe Place partner in the state of Washington and one of 1,529 communities nationwide with a Safe Place program. The purpose of the program is to have the necessary community resources in place to get help to young people quickly, decreasing the potential for harm.
Please contact Liz Trautman at 206-204-1407 or for questions about the program or how your business can partner to make King County a safer place for youth. More information about National Safe Place can be found on their website.
(4) researcher seeks subjects … 18-22 years old and LGBT or questioning or who have had sex with or felt attracted to people of their own sex…anywhere
With the permission of The University of Montana Institutional Review Board, I am conducting a study on protective factors for sexual minority individuals.  Specifically, my project examines whether or not the way people explain negative events that happen to them protects them from developing depressive symptoms. I am specifically interested in understanding how this may happen amongst 18-22 year olds who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning.  Additionally, it includes those who engage in sexual behaviors with, or have attractions to, members of the same sex.
The survey takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. As a token of my appreciation for your time, you will have the option of entering a drawing for one of four $25 iTunes gift cards at the completion of the study.  I appreciate your time and effort dedicated to this research. You are under no pressure to participate and if you decide to do the survey, you may stop at any time.  Your information will be handled anonymously and all responses will be analyzed without identifying data.
If you would like to speak with my advisor or myself about this study, please contact us at the information below. Please feel free to forward this e-mail announcement to eligible friends/student colleagues, or post the link on any social networking site you may use.
If you would like to participate, please click on the following link to learn more about the survey.
The study's Facebook page is here, if you want to link to it from your own Facebook page:!/profile.php?id=100002938467345:
Thank you in advance for your help.
Lauri M. Lindquist     
Graduate Student, School Psychology
The University of Montana
Phone: (406) 241-3221
Greg R. Machek, Ph.D.
Graduate Advisor, School Psychology           
The University of Montana
(5) Models of Pride is now accepting nominations for the 2011 Rolf/Uribe Leadership Award … in Southern CA or able to travel there Oct 15th
The Rolf/Uribe Leadership Award is given annually to one youth and one adult who has each been a model of pride to LGBT youth and shown extraordinary leadership on behalf of the LGBT community.
This award will acknowledge their accomplishments and the contributions they have made to their communities - including schools, organizations, religious groups, academic clubs, etc. Make one of your friends, teachers, or mentors an award-winning model of pride! Awards will be given during the opening session of Models of Pride.
Nominate youth (up to age 24) here:
Nominate adults (age 25 and over) here:
Nominees don't necessarily have to be from Southern California, but the recipients need to attend Models of Pride conference on Oct. 15 at USC (in Los Angeles).
Click on the 2011 Award PDF for more information.
DONATE TO THE SAFE SCHOOLS COALITION: Click here to make a donation online

Or mail this form with your check made to "Safe Schools Coalition": Safe Schools Coalition
c/o Rosehedge
1401 East Jefferson Street, Suite 401
Seattle, WA 98122
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The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership of 60+ organizations (government agencies, schools, community agencies, churches, youth/student groups, gay/lesbian groups, human rights groups) and 100+ individuals working to help schools become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

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Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?
In Washington State:
1-877-SAFE-SAFE (1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours. Or contact us by email (click here: Intervention) we will respond within 24 hours.

For non-emergencies: 206-451-SAFE (7233).
Or email us:
Speakers Bureau
Web Site
Beth Reis, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 206-296-4970
Heather Murphy, Ph.D., school psychologist
Mo Lewis, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center
Charlie Shealy, NW Network
Listserv Managers:
Beth Reis for Action Items, Resource messages (books, films, curricula, etc.), Professional Journal messages and Help Needed by Reporters/Authors, Researchers, and Member Organizations
Joseph Bonnell and Robyn Walters for News messages
Tara DeZao for Event messages
Ethan Blustein for Jobs, Internships, and Volunteer Opportunity messages
Ryan Schwartz for Right Wing Watch messages
Julie Parmenter for Opinion (blogs, editorials, letters to the editor) messages
Carrie Johnson for Lesson Planning Guide messages
Gabi Clayton for Legislative/Elective messages and Fundraising* messages
  * Note: Fundraising messages are only sent for member organizations.

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