Subject: IMPORTANT: Action Alert: Critical meeting of the Coalition today 3-5pm Pacific Time; Minutes from the Safe Schools Coalition's September meeting
From: Gabi Clayton ~ Safe Schools Coalition <>
Date: 10/16/2012 10:02 AM

Dear Safe Schools Coalition Members and Friends:

(1) Action Alert: Critical meeting of the Coalition today 3-5pm Pacific Time

(2) Minutes from the Safe Schools Coalition's September meeting


(1) Action Alert! Critical meeting of the Coalition today 3-5pm Pacific Time.

The future of Safe Schools Coalition is at stake!
Please read, "An open letter to the community and to all member organizations about a transition in the life of the Safe Schools Coalition"

Can you help? Join us at the meeting this afternoon 3-5pm Pacific Time in Seattle or on the phone in the conference call.
For meeting information, see
(2)  Minutes from the Safe Schools Coalition's September meeting
Minutes from the Safe Schools Coalition's September meeting are below and also attached in PDF format. They are also posted in the minutes archives at

Safe Schools Coalition (SSC) Meeting

Minutes 09/18/2012

Facilitating:  Matthew Wilson, Recording:  Airen Lydick


Matthew Wilson, meeting chair (in person)

                        Airen Lydick, meeting secretary (in person)

                        Gabi Clayton, webspinner, representing PFLAG-Olympia, Families United Against Hate and Youth Guardian Services (via phone)

                        Heather Carter, independent consultant (in person)

                        Beth Reis, Public Health (in person)

                        Emily Emerson, Schools Out Washington (in person)

                        Tracy Flynn, Welcoming Schools (in person)

                        Angela Rinaldo, Youth Suicide Prevention Program (in person)

                        Hatlo, Lifelong AIDS Alliance/Queer Teen Ensemble Theatre (in person)



a.  Will Gibson (trainer for SSC and professor of psychology) and Beth will be presenting to the American Psychology Association next summer in Honolulu.

            b.  Queer Youth Space and Hey Yo! collaborated on a safer sex workshop, including building tips for educational cards, on Friday, September 21st.

            c.  Queer Youth Network is a brand new opportunity for non-profit folks who work with

youth.  Raphael (Entre Hermanos), Hatlo (Lifelong/QTET), and Lulu (Orion Center) had

been talking about wanting opportunities to discuss, with peers, issues and challenges

of their work.  QYN is one result of those conversations.  So far, there are quarterly

gatherings to share ideas, network, and build community.  The next quarterly gathering

is November 8th, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Camp Ten Trees office (509 10th AVE E, Seattle).

d.  Schools Out Washington€™s core competencies for youth development professionals are ready.

Emily is looking for feedback.  E-mail Emily at

e.  The Bridge Conference is coming up:

f.  Emily is Schools Out Washington€™s new specialist for people who need coaching or

help on their work environments.  She can provide 3-5 hours at no charge.  E-mail Emily


g.  Social Outreach Seattle is a Seattle-based coalition working to approve Ref. 74.  Get

more information at



            a.  As with in the past, it€™s a time of transition for the Coalition.  There are a few people

            on the leadership team who will need to leave their roles soon.  Beth, who€™s been very

            active as the lead co-chair of the Coalition for quite some time, is one of these people. 

            So, it is one of those times in which the Coalition needs either to reorganize in some way

to cover the workload of departing folks, to redefine the work of the Coalition, or to

transition the work of the Coalition to other groups, organizations, etc..

            b.  Members of the leadership team have been talking to Safe Schools Coalition member

organizations to update them on this and to encourage them to share ideas for the future of the Coalition.  There have been meetings with people from lots of different member organizations as well as with other community leaders.

            c.  Everyone interested in the future of the Coalition is strongly encouraged to the

October 16th meeting at which options for the future of the Coalition will be discussed.

            d.  A full description of the Lead Co-chair role is in the works.

            e.  People are also needed to take on tasks of grant writing, membership, dues,

            invoicing, and intervention coordinator.


(4) REPORT:  MEMBERSHIP (submitted by Michelle Munro)

            a.  A membership request ($60 dues) from the Mississippi Department of Education was

 received.  At the meeting, it was decided that they should be granted membership.



            a.  There is a new OSPI position about youth involvement.

            b.  The subcommittee for training and professional development is continuing to push

            for youth involvement.  Also, more teachers need to be involved; this has been a

            challenge since not enough money has been provided to stipend teacher participation.

            c.  More involvement in the workgroup (or subcommittees of it) would be great.

            e.  The next workgroup meeting will be December 5th (brown bag lunch).

            f.  Members of the workgroup (or subcommittees), such as Heather and Gabi , can offer

 more information if you€™re interested in getting involved and learning more.



            No report was submitted.


(7) REPORT:  SPEAKERS€™ BUREAU MANAGER and OUTREACH (submitted by Katrina Pestano)


Speakers Bureau & Training Team




Audience Total:


Teen Link

Katrina, Luzviminda




Edmonds Woodway High School

            Puget Sound University

            Cascade Middle School

            Sylvester Middle School

Orca K-8

            Wing Luke Elementary School






4th Thursday/mo.

WFHB Radio Segments

Beth, Gabi, Rosalinda, Tracy


Seattle Channel

Beth, Heather Murphy

8/7, 8/14

Community Schools Collaboration



Sylvester Middle School


8/20, 9/5

Cascade Middle School



Queer Youth Network







(8) REPORT:  WEBSITE & LISTSERV (submitted by Gabi Clayton)

Website Report:

August 2012

Total Visitors 26,677

Average Visitors per Day 860

Total Unique IPs 11,810


Countries and Numbers of Visitors in August 2012

19,602 United States

2,711 India

2,416 Unknown

1,160 China

630 Ukraine

528 France

370 United Kingdom

313 Germany

245 Australia

237 Canada

121 Japan

111 Russian Federation

87 Sweden - 69 Hong Kong - 55 South Africa - 54 Singapore - 43 Netherlands - 40 New Zealand - 32 Brazil - 30 Philippines - 28 Spain - 27 Austria - 23 Czechia - 22 Turkey - 21 Norway and Vietnam - 20 Poland and Denmark - 18 Italy - 13 Republic of Korea, Thailand and Mexico - 11 Indonesia, Israel and Malaysia - 9 Switzerland - 8 Kuwait and Finland - 6 Belgium, Argentina, Greece, Taiwan and Romania  - 5 Puerto Rico, Nepal,  Fiji and Iran - 4 Cote d'Ivoire, Bahamas, Croatia, Slovakia, Latvia, Portugal, Ireland and Colombia - 3 Moldova, Chile, Cocos Islands, United Arab Emirates, Guatemala, British Indian Ocean Territory, Lithuania, Hungary and Sri Lanka - 2 Panama, Jordan, Ethiopia, Bulgaria, Kenya, Ghana, Tuvalu and El Salvador - 1 Malta, Venezuela, Suriname, Bangladesh,  Solomon Islands, Saudi Arabia,  Bermuda, Jamaica, Estonia, Cambodia,  Ecuador, Iceland, Georgia, Federal States of Micronesia, Egypt, Guam, Cameroon, Cyprus, Pakistan, Peru, Namibia, Luxembourg, Lebanon, and Macedonia.


Listserv Report:

Total subscribers NEWS: 612, IMPORTANTNEWS: 189

New subscribers: 6:

2 from Seattle WA, 1 from Olympia, WA; Stafford, TX; UT; and San Francisco CA


Also, a special thank you goes out to listserv volunteer Karen Yung!


(9) REPORT:  INTERVENTION (submitted by Penny Palmer)

            There were 6 calls from the King county Sexual Assault Resource Center line. 


We had 2 requests for information but no interventions.  One e-mail to SSC was a request for information (films, brochures, etc.) and one e-mail requested information regarding volunteering as an intervention specialist.


 I have sent out the request to the Specialists and support team to verify contact information.  As soon as that is corrected I will send to the leadership and intervention teams.


            a.  Stephan Nance/Music Bike Tour €“ This musician is interested in donating some

proceeds from a benefit tour to SSC.  Airen will contact Stephan Nance to figure out

whether it€™s a good match.  Learn more about Stephen at

b.  Trevor Project Request €“ Trevor Project approached SSC requesting support of their

 idea to declare €œTrevor Project Day€ on September 27th.  SSC suggested the name of €œLGBTQ Youth Suicide Prevention Day€ instead.  That name/request was taken forward via a letter to the Governor.

c.  McGraw Hill Request €“ The publisher would like to include the €œAll Families

Welcome€ poster in a textbook.  We need to try to reach out to the artist (Joe Brekey) to

see if he€™d like to give his permission for this.  Gabi will try to find contact information.

d.  Carlson Civic Fellowship €“ Though the idea of having a fellow for SSC is a cool one, we

haven€™t heard that anybody is able to take on the work of hosting/supervision.  So, we won€™t be pursuing this.



            a.  Breaking 27 €“ This is a pre-teen/young teen rock group touring, and we might want

to offer support of them or partnership in some way.  Their music and tour responds to

bullying and encourages other youth to see the movie Bully.  Airen will reach out to

them to see if there€™s anything we can do to help promote their tour and message.         





All are welcome.


There are, as always, two ways to attend:


October 16th, 3-5 pm Pacific Time.  Michelle facilitates, Penny records.

November 20th, 3-5 pm Pacific Time. Mo facilitates and Frankrecords.

December 18th, 3-5 pm Pacific Time. Matthew facilitates and Penny records.



Click here to make a donation online

Or mail this
form with your check made to "Safe Schools Coalition":

Safe Schools Coalition
c/o Rosehedge
1401 East Jefferson Street, Suite 401

Seattle, WA 98122

- - - - - - - - - -

About this Listserv

To SUBSCRIBE to the Safe Schools Coalition's IMPORTANTNEWS List, which averages 2 messages/week including only: urgent messages, action items, SSC meeting minutes

To SUBSCRIBE to the Safe Schools Coalition's NEWS List, which averages 2 messages/day including THOSE SAME THINGS plus: events (conferences, courses, rallies, TV specials, activism opportunities) , resources (books, DVDs, scholarships, curricula, and more), jobs and volunteer and internship opportunities, news digests, opinion digests.

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The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership of 60+ organizations (government agencies, schools, community agencies, churches, youth/student groups, gay/lesbian groups, human rights groups) and 100+ individuals working to help schools become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Safe Schools' website:
Safe Schools' blog:
Join SSC's group on Facebook:
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Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?

In Washington State:

1-877-SAFE-SAFE (1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours. Or contact us by email (click here: Intervention) and we will respond within 24 hours.

For non-emergencies:
206-451-SAFE (7233).

Or email us:

Speakers Bureau


Beth Reis, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 206-263-8297 NEW
Michelle Munro, not representing a member org
Mo Lewis, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center
Matthew Wilson, Oasis/Pierce County AIDS Foundation


Heather Carter, Youth Suicide Prevention Program
Frank Couch, Science & Management of Addictions Foundation
Penny Palmer, not representing a member org

Listserv Managers:

Beth Reis for Action Items, Resource messages (books, films, curricula, etc.), Professional Journal messages and Help Needed by Reporters/Authors, Researchers, and Member Organizations
Karen Yung and Robyn Walters for News messages
Nik Donia for Event messages
Open position for Jobs, Internships, and Volunteer Opportunity messages
Ryan Schwartz for Right Wing Watch messages
Julie Parmenter for Opinion (blogs, editorials, letters to the editor) messages
Colleen Mullins for Lesson Planning Guide messages
Gabi Clayton for Legislative/Elective messages and Fundraising* messages
  * Note: Fundraising messages are only sent for member organizations.

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