Subject: UPDATE from Safe Schools Coalition - please share widely
From: "Reis, Beth" <>
Date: 10/17/2012 5:31 PM

Dear Safe Schools Coalition listserv subscribers!


The Safe Schools Coalition’s meeting yesterday was very productive. More complete minutes will go out later this week, but in the meantime, we wanted to share yesterday’s decisions!


Please JOIN OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP in the Safe Schools Coalition. Please consider filling out a COMMITMENT FORM as well.

Share any of this widely!


These were the community’s decisions:

1.       Delay a final determination about the future of the Coalition until the next SSC meeting, November 20th and then to base the decision on labor, not funds. If by 11/20 we have secured commitments of at least 6 Co-Chairs and 2 Co-Secretaries, then we will announce at that time that the Coalition is definitely staying afloat. Co-Chairs will provide at least 2 hrs/wk for 2013 and 2014; Co-Secretaries will take minutes at 4 mtgs/yr. Eventually we want to have 8 Co-Chairs & 3 Co-Secretaries supporting Matthew, but 6 Co-Chairs & 2 Co-Secretaries is a minimum before he takes over as Lead Co-Chair.

a.       As of today, we have 4.5 Co-Chair slots spoken for: Tracy/HRC = 5 hrs/mo; Will = 2 hrs/wk; Kathy = 2 hrs/wk; Christian = 2 hrs/wk, SAMA staff = 2 hrs/wk. We need 1.5-3.5 more people or organizations to offer 2 hrs/wk in-kind.

b.      We have 1 Co-Secretary slot spoken for: OSPI = 4 mtgs/yr. We need 1-2 more Co-Secretaries to each offer to record at 4 mtgs/yr.


2.       Start 2013, if at least 6 of 8 Co-Chair spots are spoken for, in austerity mode, at least until sufficient funds can be raised to step up to austerity-plus. In other words: maintain the listserv, maintain intervention, maintain law & policy, drop from providing training to serving as a training clearinghouse, drop from maintaining & growing the website to archiving it (posting only meeting minutes and updating only contact info for SSC and its member orgs)


3.       Prioritize Strategic Planning. If a Strategic Planning consultant can be provided in-kind/pro bono by a business, foundation, or organization, that will be ideal. If not, one must be covered within an austerity framework. Use strategic planning retreat/consultation to focus on a short term plan as well as a longer view.


4.       Stick to suggested dues ranges, rather than discrete numbers.

a.       Keep organization members’ dues ranges as they were in 2011 and 2012 at least until the Strategic Planning process:

 Annual Budget:

Suggested Dues:

< $5,000


$5,000 - $10,000


$10,000 - $50,000




> $150,000


b.      Add a new category of membership called “business member” at the ranges proposed at the meeting:


Suggested Dues:

< 1 person/FTE


1 person/FTE


2-4 people/FTE


5-9 people/FTE


10-49 people/FTE


50+ employees


c.       Add a new category of membership called “personal member” at the levels proposed at the meeting:

low income/student/senior


$20 a year



$40 a year



$60 a year

honor role


$365 a year

Gabi will have the new membership forms online ASAP. It is easiest for the Coalition if people/organizations join or renew online, though mailed checks are also welcomed which is why the forms are attached.


The “Commitment Form” is attached in both Word and PDF formats.


Beth, for the Leadership Team


Beth Reis, Public Health Educator

Public Health – Seattle & King County

Co-Chair, Safe Schools Coalition

M, W, F: 206-205-6055

T, Th, & messages: 206-263-8297

Cell: 206-715-1601

Columbia Health Center

4400 37th Ave S.

Seattle, WA 98118