Subject: strictly fyi: free video & discussion guide, free webinar about the launch of a great online workshop for educators, study seeks subjects, new report on state bullying laws
From: "Reis, Beth" <>
Date: 12/8/2011 11:14 AM

Dear Safe Schools Coalition Members and Friends:
(1) The latest AWESOME free, online video from Reteaching Gender and Sexuality entitled "This is a Movement" (forward to a history or civics teacher, a GSA leader, a friend)
(2) There are a few spaces left in a FREE 30 min webinar about a great new online workshop "LGBTQ Issues in Schools" (The webinar is 8:30-9 am PDT, Dec 15th & the online workshop will launch Jan 5th.)
(3) Researchers seek families for online interviews -- Are you parenting a child who questions their gender? Is your child gender nonconforming? * (forward to a family)
(4) U.S. ED Releases an Analysis of State Bullying Laws and Policies (forward to a lawmaker or school board member)
* NOTE: The Coalition sends research requests only if the researcher can assure us the project has received institutional review board (IRB) approval. IRBs are independent ethics review panels, usually associated with colleges and universities, that monitor research proposals to assure ethical treatment of subjects. This study has such approval.
(1) The latest AWESOME free, online video from Reteaching Gender and Sexuality entitled "This is a Movement"
THIS IS A MOVEMENT was created to broaden conversations about a LGBT movement to one that is multi-issued and demands that we understand gender and sexuality within context of our other identities. THIS IS A MOVEMENT is the second video in the Reteaching Gender & Sexuality (RGS) series.
Produced: Revelry Media & Methods
Directed: Megan Kennedy & Sid Jordan
Edited: Sid Jordan
Photography: Basil Shadid and Sid Jordan
Graphics: Alisa Dickinson
Music: Be Like This by MEN
To see the video, go to:
To download the discussion guide, go to:
(2) There are a few spaces left in a FREE 30 min webinar about a great new online workshop "LGBTQ Issues in Schools" (The webinar is 8:30-9 am PDT, Dec 15th & the online workshop will launch Jan 5th.)
Whether you're a teacher, community educator or other youth-serving professional, it's important to know the issues LGBTQ students face. Answer's third online workshop--LGBTQ Issues in Schools--scheduled to launch on January 5th will address myths and misconceptions, transgender issues, policies and laws and more!  We're also excited to announce that we'll be holding a FREE webinar to provide an overview of LGBTQ Issues in Schools on December 15th from 11:30am-Noon EST.  Those who attend will receive an opportunity to take the online workshop for FREE!  Act quickly, only a few spaces remain.
To get more information visit our Web site at
"Taking this training will save lives - the lives of LGBT youth, who are marginalized in so many ways in our nation's schools. It will also enhance the lives of LGBT youth by enhancing and broadening your perspectives, approaches and understandings of various issues and aspects of LGBT issues in schools. Every educator and health professional that serves young people in the US should take this course. And you should work to get others in your school, community and departments to join you." - Marlene Pray, MEd, PhD candidate, Social Justice Sexuality Educator, Founder of Planned Parenthood's Rainbow Room.
(3) Researchers seek families for online interviews -- Are you parenting a child who questions their gender? Is your child gender nonconforming?
Are you over the age of 18 and have access to a computer with internet access?
If you answered “yes” to the questions above, you could be eligible to participant in a research study.
We are looking for volunteers to take part in a study about parenting children who are gender nonconforming (behave or identify how someone might not traditionally expect a male or female child to behave or identify).
You may be eligible to participate if you:
·   Are over the age of 18
·   Are a parent or primary caregiver to a child between ages 8 and 18 who does not conform to cultural gender expectations
·   Have access to a computer with internet access
·   Are willing to be interviewed using online chat about your parenting experiences
As a participant in this study, you would be asked to participate in an online interview lasting approximately 1- 2 hours. Results from this study may increase understanding of the unique needs of families with gender nonconforming children. 
For more information about this study, or to volunteer for this study, please contact Dr. Kristen Benson at, (701) 231-5879, Department of Human Development & Family Science, North Dakota State University
(4) U.S. ED Releases an Analysis of State Bullying Laws and Policies
The U.S. Department of Education recently released an Analysis of State Bullying Laws and Policies, a new report summarizing current approaches in the 46 states with anti-bullying laws and the 41 states that have created anti-bullying policies as models for schools.
The report shows the prevalence of state efforts to combat bullying over the last several years. From 1999 to 2010, more than 120 bills were enacted by state legislatures from across the country to either introduce or amend statutes that address bullying and related behaviors in schools. Twenty-one new bills were enacted in 2010 and eight additional bills were signed into law through April 30, 2011.
Out of the 46 states with anti-bullying laws in place, 36 have provisions that prohibit cyber bullying and 13 have statutes that grant schools the authority to address off-campus behavior that creates a hostile school environment.
“Every state should have effective bullying prevention efforts in place to protect children inside and outside of school,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. “This report reveals that while most states have enacted legislation around this important issue, a great deal of work remains to ensure adults are doing everything possible to keep our kids safe.”
The first Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summit, hosted in August 2010 by the Department and other federal agencies, exposed an information gap regarding anti-bullying laws and policies across the country. The summit brought together government officials, researchers, policymakers, and education practitioners to explore strategies to combat bullying in schools. To address this information gap and respond to requests for technical assistance, the Department composed Anti-Bullying Policies: Examples of Provisions in State Laws, a guidance document outlining common key components of state anti-bullying laws.
Following the Summit, the Department's Policy and Program Studies Service contracted researchers to compile the analysis on state laws and policies. In preparing the report, researchers reviewed and coded legislation and policy documents in every state across the country along with an additional sample of 20 local school districts. The report sought to address the extent to which states’ bullying laws and model policies contained the key components identified in the December guidance. A follow-up study will aim to identify how state laws translate into practice at the school level.
To learn about more key findings and to read the full report, visit:
Among findings of particular interest to the Safe Schools Coalition's members:
"Seventeen state bullying and harassment laws include language enumerating the characteristics of protected groups."
14 of those states include sexual orientation among enumerated forms of prohibited bullying
12 states include gender identity or expression among enumerated forms of prohibited bullying
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Or mail this form with your check made to "Safe Schools Coalition": Safe Schools Coalition
c/o Rosehedge
1401 East Jefferson Street, Suite 401
Seattle, WA 98122
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Beth Reis, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 206-296-4970
Heather Murphy, Ph.D., school psychologist
Mo Lewis, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center
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Frank Couch
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   * Note: Fundraising messages are only sent for member organizations.

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