Subject: IMPORTANT: March meeting minutes and help needed items
From: "Reis, Elizabeth" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 17:37:50 -0800
To: "'SAFE SCHOOLS: post to main list'" , "'SAFE SCHOOLS: post to \"IMPORTANT NEWS\" list'"

Dear Safe Schools Coalition members and friends:

Meeting Minutes 3/21/06, 4-6pm
Safe Schools Coalition Meeting
Chairing: Marsha Botzer; Recording: Lisa Confehr

Present: Beth Reis, Public Health - Seattle & King County; Chris Johnson, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center; Frieda Takamura, Washington Education Association;  Heather Murphy, individual volunteer; Kristina Armenakis, staffperson shared by SSC and the Seattle LGBT Community Center; Lisa Confehr, Hate Free Zone Washington; Lisa Love, Seattle Public Schools; Marsha Botzer, The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; Kathy Kaminski, individual volunteer

  1. Intros

(2)     SSC AT SEATTLE PRIDE - A bus has been ordered. The company has offered to donate the bus and a driver if we include an advertisement banner on the bus looking for drivers. It was agreed that that's a fair trade. The SSC banner will fly in the front of the bus.

a)      Handouts to the crowd?? Ideas that are being thrown around are:

b)      IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN RIDING ON THE BUS OR HELPING TO STAFF THE BUS AT PRIDE: Contact Lisa Love by emailing her, or calling her at 206-252-0982.  The location of where people will meet is TBD. The bus is a great way for people who want to be a part of the parade but cannot march the entire way. Heather will be supervising the bus.

c)      Volunteer still needed to shop at Costco and deliver the food to Lisa Love before the march [SSC will pay for the food.]!!

a)      NEW NUMBER: 1-877-SAFE-SAFE !! SPREAD THE WORD - Please send people to this number, NOT TO BETH REIS (If she's out of the office or on vacation, we won't have a reasonable response time in a crisis)!!

a)      Seattle Public Schools GSA's planning fundraisers for SSC - Lisa Love

b)      Website Sponsors - we are in the process of having national corporations support our website through buying advertisement spots on it!!

a)      The performances were a success last weekend!! Thank you to all who attended!

(6)     TAKE OUR DAUGHTERS TO WORK: We were contacted by Miss Magazine asking to support their "Take you Daughter to work" Campaign. Although we think it is a great event, it does not fall under our mission, and is therefore out of our area.

(7)     LOVE MAKES A FAMILY- This Photo exhibit is coming to Washington state, of you have the funds and would like the exhibit to visit your town contact lori.stern@DOH.WA.GOV

a)      Renewals: None
b)      No New Membership Applications


(10)    Trip to Eastern Washington - Kristina Armenakis is making a trip to Eastern Washington, to meet with contacts out there including Speaker's Bureau members.

(11)    BULLY VIDEO GAME - Rack Star is coming out with a new game that simulate Columbine, by giving video game players a chance the "get back at the bully" by shooting them. This game is of great concern to the Coalition. We would love for there to be a project to educate parents on games that promote bullying, WE NEED A HEAD to the committee!! If you are willing to head up the committee or are just interested in being involved contact: Beth Reis. .

  1. King County - gender identity protection: The final hearing was on Monday. Thank you to any one who testified!! For more information visit
  2. Upcoming meetings ... contact the chair if you have agenda items to suggest or if you need instructions about attending (in person) or calling in (by conference call)
  3. Apr 18, 4-6 pm. Frieda chairs and Kathy records
    Frieda: 253-765-7062;
    Kathy: 206-767-0760, 847-421-7009;

    May 16, 4-6 pm. Beth chairs and Chris records
    Beth: 206-296-4970; 206-744-9481.

    June 20, 4-6 pm. Marsha chairs and Lisa records
    Marsha: 206-601-8942
    Lisa: 206-723-2203; 


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About Safe Schools Coalition

The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership of 80+ organizations (government agencies, schools, community agencies, churches, youth/student groups, gay/lesbian groups, human rights groups) and 400+ individuals working to help schools become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. 

Safe Schools' website:

Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?
1-877-SAFE-SAFE (1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours. Or contact us on our Intervention web form.

For non-emergencies:

Speakers’ Bureau (student/community workshops, professional training)
Publications and Listserve

For donations: "Safe Schools Coalition" c/o Lifelong AIDS Alliance, 1002 E Seneca, Seattle, WA 98122-4203 (or call 206-957-1621)


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This message was sent by Public Health - Seattle & King County, which belongs to the Safe Schools Coalition. We invite you to use our clinical services. If you are eligible for medical coupons and don't already have one, we can help you apply. Our services are confidential and we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, the presence of a sensory, mental or physical disability, or the ability to pay.