Subject: [IMPORTANTNEWS] IMPORTANT: help needed & October meeting minutes
From: "Reis, Elizabeth" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 17:20:03 -0800
To: "SAFE SCHOOLS: post to \"IMPORTANT NEWS\" list" , "SAFE SCHOOLS: post to main list"

[:ssc539:] IMPORTANT: help needed & October meeting minutes Dear Safe Schools Coalition members and friends:

Meeting Minutes 10/17/06, 3-5 p.m. PDT
Safe Schools Coalition Meeting
Chairing: Frieda Takamura; Recording: Kathy Kaminski
Help Needed in Red


  1. INTROS … welcome new faces/voices
  2. Present:  Sara Eisher; Jaime Biava; Kristina Armenakis, SSC Speakers Bureau Manager; Jessica Britten, Seattle University; Roxanna Farnsworth, Seattle University; Alison Hofferber, Seattle University; Danie Eagleton-Barron, Lake Washington Technical Academy in Lake WA Technical College;

    Frieda Takamura, WEA; Joyful Freeman, AFSC; Kathy Kaminski; Judy Hoff, PFLAG National; Danielle Yamada, Seattle U/Mariner HS; Beth Reis, Public Health - Seattle & King County

(2)     YOUR HELP NEEDED – serve on the SSC’s Leadership Team

(3)     MEMBERSHIP - Piper and Tad
a)      Thank you to the Safe Schools of Wyoming and PFLAG National for renewing their memberships
b)      New member applications- None
c)      Other membership news- Think about other groups you belong to who might be interested in becoming a member of the coalition:

(4)  INTERVENTION REPORT Kristina, Stephen Schlott, Heidi
a)      Plan for marketing the intervention team’s availability to youth- Kristina reported that Partners in Design has taken on a project to redesign our intervention posters pro-bono.  Stephen, with Partners in Design and Kristina brought posters and took comments on the overall message of the posters and the poster design.  The posters were designed with the young people as the audience, not the entire family.  Poster #1 was of a pair of hands doing the “cats cradle” with a string that has a rainbow scheme.  Poster #2 was of fuzzy characters, with unusual shapes and colors (called “perfect children”), with speaking bubbles.  The message of poster #2 was “yeah, I’m different”.  Poster #3 was more of a bullying focus with an ominous bully shadow character with the message “Help me!  I’m being Harassed! Stop bullying at our school.”  Poster #4 was a symbolic person/cartoon with a rainbow extended from the arms, with the message “You are not alone.”  Stephen and Kristina took comments and suggestions about the poster themes.  There was concern about the bully figure in poster #3.  There were also comments on the message of “yeah, I’m Different”.  Some people thought kids gravitate towards that message and others don’t want to feel different.  They will take all comments into consideration as they move forward.

a)      CONGRATULATIONS to Kristina and the speakers’ bureau. In the last year since we began tracking training numbers, Safe Schools Coalition volunteers have provided trainings to nearly 4,000 people in 13 Washington cities and 4 other states. Thank you for all your hard work!

b)      SSC presentations at Respect for All Workshops tonight and tomorrow
c)      SSC presentation and tabling oppty at Bush School diversity events this week and next (and also Nov 28, Dec 8, Jan 12, Jan 18, Feb 7, March 15) Interested in helping? Contact Kristina at training at Safe Schools Coalition.

d)      Tabling oppty at Seattle Public Schools’ LGBT Families Dinner this Thursday
e)      Sydney, with Bellevue PFLAG, asked to partner with SSC for the WA PTA 3-day convention on May 4-6, which will be near SeaTac.  If you are interested in tabling with Sydney on behalf of the Coalition, email her at … let her know you are with the Coalition. Please cc Beth .


i)      Please, please if you haven’t donated, now is the time. What is the Coalition worth to you?
ii)     And if you have donated in the past, now is the time to jack it up. Maybe it’s time to join the elite group that lets us debit your credit card for some reasonable amount every month.

iii)    This is workplace giving time in many places. If you see the “Pride Federation” listed in your employer’s workplace giving options, then you have a unique opportunity to help many LGBT organizations. When you select the Pride Federation you are choosing to have your dollars support twenty LGBT community organizations all at once. OR you can designate SAFE SCHOOLS COALITION, specifically.

iv)     Please don’t let the Coalition die!!! Go to:
v)      Kristina offered to help plan a house party if someone is interested in hosting.  The Seattle University students at the meeting are interested and will follow up with Kristina.

f)      Thanks to the wonderful folks who have donated recently: Mark Houser, Janet Bogle, Linda Baker, Gretchen Harmon, Mary Paradise, Jason Kuo, and Julia's Restaurant, as well as those who did so anonymously.

(7)  FUNDRAISER – Beth
i)      Comedy Show at the Comedy Underground, December 19 to benefit the Coalition! SAVE THE DATE! Come laugh with us! The price is $10 in advance; $12 at the door and youth tickets are HALF price.  Sherry Simonsen designed the tickets.

ii)     YOUR HELP NEEDED: It would be great if each member agency that’s headquartered in Seattle, or has a chapter in Seattle, would take responsibility for selling at least 10 tickets. If you can do that, please contact Tracy Flynn for your packet of 10 (let her know if you want 10 youth tickets -- 21 and under, 10 adult tickets, or some combination): Note:  The coalition gets more of the profit from the ticket sales if we sell them ahead of time, because those who buy tickets and do not make it to the show are pure profit.

iii)    Plans for publicity. Reminders of tasks people agreed to.
iv)     More here: (Download a poster for your school or office!)

(8) BULLY POLICE call today – Beth


(10) What’s the Matter with Henry? OFFER --  Beth

(11)     Keith Haring Foundation OFFER -- Beth


(13)     Distance Learning


(14) Exodus International has a new campaign, “We’re Allies, Too” for the week after GLSEN’s Ally Week.   We want to remind folks that are planning Ally Week that we should send the message that you can be a person of faith and be GLBT.

(15)  The GLBT National Help Center marks 10th anniversary and has extended their services and hours.
(16) Rocks!!  Thank you, Equality Forum!!  They are adding new stuff every day.
(17)  PRIDE Foundation scholarship applications are now available.
(18) SSC gear- Check out the website with cool new T-shirts and other new gear.
(19) A School Employee’s Guide to GLBT Issues, from the NEA is now available online at

(20) The leadership team decided to endorse GLSEN”s Days of Action.  Check out for more information.
(21)  QueerSpawn, a sort of secondary school companion film to “That’s a Family!” but specifically told from the perspective of children with LGBT parents and guardians played at the GLBT film festival last weekend.

  1.  UPCOMING MEETINGS … contact the chair if you have agenda items to suggest or if you need instructions about attending (in person) or calling in (by conference call)

  2. Nov 21, 2-4 pm. Beth chairs and Chris records
    Beth. 206-296-4970.Beth.
    More below …

    Dec 19, 3-5 pm. Marsha chairs and ____________ records
    Marsha 206-601-8942; ">

    Jan 16, 3-5 pm. Frieda chairs and Kathy records
    Frieda 253-765-7062.
    Kathy: 206-767-0760, 847-421-7009;

Exciting next Safe Schools Coalition meeting, November 21 (3-5 PM, Pacific time -- come or call in)
        (1a) Seth Kirby of the Washington State Human Rights Commission will speak

Who? Everyone is welcome -- students, school employees, parents/guardians, community agencies, and individual community members. ALL AGES WELCOME. You don't need to be a member to attend a Coalition meeting. It's not a "board" meeting; as always, it's an everybody meeting. 

Where?  We meet at Planned Parenthood of Western Washington, 2001 E Madison, Seattle, WA. All are welcome. Please RSVP to Beth Reis or Frieda Takamura or">Marsha Botzer so we can prepare their security folks for our meeting and explain our parking agreement. When you RSVP, please let Beth or Frieda or Marsha know your name, your organization or school or personal interest in LGBT youth safety, and your location and contact information. If you are from outside King County and you need overnight housing for a meeting, let us know; we will be glad to hook you up: 206-296-4970 (Beth Reis)

How can I join a meeting by conference call? The meeting is now also accessible to those who wish to join in by conference call from anywhere in the U.S. If you want to join us for the meeting, please RSVP Beth Reis or Frieda Takamura or">Marsha Botzer. When you RSVP, please let Beth or Frieda or Marsha know your name, your organization or school or personal interest in LGBT youth safety, and your location and contact information. They will reply with information about how to call in. If you give us your email address, we’ll get you an agenda.


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About Safe Schools Coalition

The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership of 80+ organizations (government agencies, schools, community agencies, churches, youth/student groups, gay/lesbian groups, human rights groups) and 400+ individuals working to help schools become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. 

Safe Schools' website:

Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?
1-877-SAFE-SAFE (1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours. Or contact us here.

For non-emergencies:

Speakers’ Bureau (student/community workshops, professional training)
Publications and Listserve

For donations: "Safe Schools Coalition" c/o Lifelong AIDS Alliance, 1002 E Seneca, Seattle, WA 98122-4203 (or call 206-957-1621)


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