Subject: [IMPORTANTNEWS] IMPORTANT: Oct minutes & help needed requests
From: "Reis, Beth"
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 14:20:28 -0700
To: "SAFE SCHOOLS: post to \"IMPORTANT NEWS\" list" , "SAFE SCHOOLS: post to main list" , "Amy Reddinger" , , "Bert (Roberta) Adams" , "Charles Fann" , , "Frieda Takamura - home" , , , , "Laura Connors" , , "Mona Mendoza - hm" , , , , ,

Dear Safe Schools Coalition Members and Friends:
We have not, historically, sent attachments to Safe Schools Coalition list messages. A majority of you told us last month that you appreciated receiving monthly meeting minutes as an attachment. So find them below in RICH TEXT and also as a PDF file.

<<Minutes - Oct 2008.pdf>>

Minutes Agenda 10-21-08, 3-5 p.m. PST

Safe Schools Coalition Meeting

Chairing: Frieda Takamura; Recording: Daniel Moore

Help Need / Action Items are in RED

Intros… welcome new faces/voices

ATTENDING IN PERSON:  Hanna King, Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets, Empowerment Project and Garfield High School GSA; Helen Stillman, Lambert House and Safe Schools Coalition Speakers’ Bureau Manager; Beth Reis, Public Health – Seattle & King County and Safe Schools Coalition Co-Chair; Penny Palmer, Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Team Leader; Stefanie Fox, King County Mental Health, Chemical Abuse and Dependency Services Division; Brandon Walter, Youth Eastside Services; Frieda Takamura, Washington Education Association; Kyle Rapinan, Casey Family Programs; Matt Munson, Planned Parenthood of Western Washington; Matt Steele, The Bend-It Collective; Riana Hensel, Puget Sound Community School; Billie Stultz, Owen Kajfasz

ATTENDING BY PHONE:  Gabi Clayton, PFLAG Olympia, Families United Against Hate, Youth Guardian Services, and Safe Schools Coalition Webspinner; Tara Borelli, Lambda Legal; Heather Murphy, school psychologist, Affiliate Faculty, Dept. of Educational Psychology, University of Washington and SSC Intervention Specialist

a)      The Coalition doesn’t have a Board of Directors. We are not a free-standing 501(c)3 agency, but rather a true Coalition. Our Leadership Team (3 Co-Chairs and 3 Co-Secretaries) occasionally has to make decisions between monthly Coalition meetings, but most decisions are actually made at these monthly meetings by a modified consensus of all present face-to-face or by-phone.

b)      Our essential services are provided at no cost to the Coalition by member organizations and volunteers
ˇ       Our finances are managed by our fiscal sponsor, Lifelong AIDS Alliance.
1       Our hotline is managed by King County Sexual Assault Resource Center.
2       Our meetings are hosted by Planned Parenthood of Western Washington.
3       Our web site is sponsored by Youth Guardian Services, American Friends Service Committee and the Greater Seattle Business Association. The web site is kept current partly by volunteers.

4       Our message phone and mail are hosted by American Friends Service Committee.
5       Our Intervention Team is all volunteer.
6       Our Speakers Bureau is mostly volunteer, though honoraria are encouraged.
7       Our special events planning teams are all volunteer.
8       Our fundraising and grant writing efforts are all volunteer.
9       Oversight is provided by Public Health – Seattle & King County.
c)      We contract for just two key functions:
ˇ       With Center for Health Training for Webspinner Services (They hire Gabi Clayton, part time, to fulfill that role.)

d)      HELP NEEDED: Wonderful Co-Secretaries Chris Beahler and Kathy Kaminski have stepped down; and Penny may, too, as she has taken on other SSC responsibilities. Heather Carter of the Youth Suicide Prevention Project has agreed to fill one of those slots. Daniel Moore of UW and Matt Munson of Planned Parenthood of Western Washington volunteered to fill the other two.

a)      HELP NEEDED: We need a membership chair. Piper stepped down last year and Chris was planning to take over but now can’t for personal reasons. It means a commitment of a couple of hours most months and 30-40 hours in December, January or February. It could be your organization’s in-kind contribution to the Coalition in lieu of dues or your personal investment in making schools safer than they were for you. You get to network by phone and email with very cool member orgs all over the country. And if you happen to be in the Puget Sound area you get occasional coffee or lunch with the Co-Chairs! Interested? Contact Beth …

b)      New member application:  One-In-Teen Youth Services in Nashville, TN,
c)      Renewals since July 1, 2008
ˇ       §       Charles Wright Academy in Tacoma
1       Puget Sound Community School in Seattle
2       Vista Youth Center in Kennewick, WA
3       PFLAG National in DC
4       King County Sexual Assault Resource Center
5       Seattle Office for Civil Rights
6       Southern Poverty Law Center, Teaching Tolerance
7       Seattle Counseling Service for Sexual Minorities
8       OSPI, the Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction
9       PFLAG Everett-Snohomish County for GLOBE Youth Group
10      Scouting for All
11      Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship for Kitsap Safe Schools Network
12      Gay Straight Alliance Network in CA
13      PFLAG Olympia
14      Wyoming Safe Schools
d)      HRC’s MEMBERSHIP – Frank, Beth

(3)     WASHINGTON STATE LEGISLATIVE ISSUES – Beth, Tara Borelli (by phone)
a)      See the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Act and the Cyberbullying Act . See the OSPI/WSDA model policy and model procedure and see this version of the model procedure; it has, in red, the Safe Schools Coalition’s recommendations for strengthening the procedure:

b)      BACKGROUND: The Coalition formed the Law and Policy Work Group last spring, to include lobbyists from member organizations who have been meeting to discuss the Coalition’s legal agenda. Recently the Work Group wrote letters to the House and Senate Education Committee Chairs requesting that they hold hearings in response to the report on bullying they recently received.  The Workgroup has also made a long list of legislative wishes but hasn’t gotten as far as prioritizing them.  The Workgroup did discuss not making financial requests in this fiscal environment.

c)      Recently, Beth met with Tara Borelli, of Lambda Legal. They discussed the possibility of our at least trying to introduce language to strengthen the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Act with respect to dissemination (considering that protections are useless if students don’t know they have them). Tara reported on her progress drafting legislation for that purpose, which is moving along though not at the pace she had hoped.  She is looking at bills and laws in other states and at settlement language Lambda has successfully negotiated in court cases. 

d)      Beth also opened the Law and Policy Workgroup to include anyone in the Coalition interested in helping advocate for policy and law changes, not just member organization lobbyists.  We will announce a next meeting date via the listserve.

e)      Beth also suggested that everyone to provide their personal legislative agenda for the Coalition for consideration by the Law and Policy Work Group.  What laws would you want passed to strengthen existing law or to address other LGBTQ school issues? Send your input to: Penny Palmer at

a)      Speakers Bureau and Team Training
ˇ       Past:
ˇ       10/10 New England Conference on Multicultural Education, with Rosalinda Noriega training, 19 people attended
ˇ       Upcoming: 
ˇ       Trans training at a middle school outside of Kent, Church Council AmeriCorps team, Bellingham
1       11/3 Beth at Stop Hate in the Hallways, Oklahoma
2       12/3 Beth at Tacoma Public Schools
3       11/15 Frieda at Links & Alliances Conference at Everett Community College
b)      Tabling Activity
ˇ       Past
ˇ       9/22 YSPP Conference
1       9/25 New Beginnings
2       9/25 New Beginnings – Boys Will Be Men
3       10/4 NW Teaching for Social Justice Conference
4       10/10 GLSEN GSA Leadership Summit
ˇ       Upcoming: 
ˇ       Gay & Lesbian film festival--Community Sponsor,

ˇ       Bent Writing Institute Showcase, November 14 & 15 and the Museum of History & Industry
(a)     Daniel volunteered for November 14th.
(b)     Contact Helen to volunteer to table on behalf of the Coalition on either night of the Bent Showcase: 

c)      AFSC Panels
ˇ       Past
ˇ       9/22 YSPP Conference, 200 attended
1       10.7 Seattle Commission for Sexual Minorities, Youth Forum, 17 attended
2       10/10 GLSEN Summit, 17 attended
3       10/16 Washington Defenders Association, 20 attended
ˇ       Upcoming
ˇ       Upcoming: WSAME conference, AFSC regional coordinators
ˇ       Other Panel News:  Trained 9 new panelists on October 10th
d)      Other Projects
ˇ       Washington State Bullying Prevention Conference – May 22-23. Helen is representing the Coalition on the organizing committee. Please let Helen know if you have input regarding an LGBT track (

1       White Privilege Conference, April 1-4, Memphis, TN. Please let Helen know if you have input regarding an LGBT track (

2       Saturday November 8 in Seattle:  Anti-Racism training with Truc Nguyen for Safe Schools Coalition volunteers and member orgs. FREE but RSVP is required: (

e)      Reminder: Please contact Helen if you would like new speakers bureau brochures sent to your school or organization.

a)      The Washington Education Association has graciously agreed to warehouse and distribute Safe Schools Coalition publications through August, 2009. This is an in-kind contribution to the Coalition and we are SO appreciative of it and, specifically, of Paige Foy who coordinates it.

a)      Jessica Pettit – The Bush School’s Diversity Speaker Series is bringing her to Seattle the week of February 2, 2009. She has been referred to as the “Margaret Cho” of Diversity Trainers. She blends politics, humor, identity, and local flair with big city passion and energy through direct, individualized, and interactive conversations. Her workshops, seminars, and keynotes don’t just leave participants invigorated but inspired and motivated to follow through with action to create change. The Coalition has been asked if we want to co-sponsor her visit, possibly speaking briefly as she is introduced and tabling at the event or even doing a separate event the week she is here. It can’t happen unless a small ad hoc committee (maybe 3-5 people) steps up. If you would like to help make this happen, please talk with Eddie Moore at the Bush School for more information and/or let Beth know of your interest:

b)      The Sensei – This exciting independent film will be shown at the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival on Friday, October 24, 2008, 7:30 pm Admiral Theater. There will be a martial arts demo on stage in the half hour prior to that and a Q&A with the filmmaker(s) and star afterwards. Safe Schools Coalition has been invited to serve as "Community Co-presenters." Find out about showings in PA, NY, CA, DC and IL here: Get more info about this showing and purchase tickets here:

c)      It’s STILL Elementary: The Movie and the Movement – This film, showing at the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, 7:30 pm, October 23, 2008 at the Central Cinema, is a must-see for parents and educators. Safe Schools Coalition has been invited to serve as "Community Co-presenters." Watch clips and find out how to organize a local screening here: Info about this showing & tickets:

d)      Caitlin Ryan, the Executive Director of the Family Acceptance Project, was in town recently and expressed a willingness to return to do an event in conjunction with Safe Schools.  Beth is talking to Ken Thompson of the Gate Foundation to seek funding for such a project. Lisa Love of Seattle Public Schools has agreed to partner on the event. The Family Accept projects helps families support children coming out by informing families about the impact of rejection, including increases in the risk for HIV, addiction, and suicide.   If we get the funding, we will put together a committee to figure out how to get those families that most need to hear Ryan’s message together for an event. If you are interested in serving on a planning committee, please contact Helen:

(7)     FISCAL UPDATE – Beth
a)      Huge thanks to these recent individual and family do

(8)     WEB SITE REPORT – Gabi
a)      Hits
ˇ       23,932 visitors to the web site in September, from 112 countries, including, besides the usual ones, such diverse ones as Iceland, Mozambique, Kuwait, Estonia, Fiji and Bolivia.

b)      Most often visited web pages:
ˇ       The home page and main blackboard

ˇ       They Don’t Even Know Me report -- 1,350
1       Use Another Word -- 498
2       Bullying Report: How Are Washington State Schools Doing? -- 365
3       Guidelines for Identifying Bias in Curriculum and Materials -- 318
4       Why Don't You Tell Them I'm a Boy? Raising a Gender-Nonconforming Child -- 238
5       Bullying Report, Executive Summary -- 222
6       The Eighty-Three Thousand Youth report -- 220

a)      We have had an increasing number of referrals since school started. Some recent calls have included:
ˇ       concerns from a parent regarding the school’s welcoming of a gender variant or transgender child entering kindergarten,

b)      We have Intervention Specialists who each have one day a week where they cover calls coming in from our website at Safe Schools Coalition and through the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center crisis line. Calls are answered immediately 24/7 and returned by an Intervention Specialist within 24 - 48 hrs. We do everything from referring callers to our website to attending meetings at the problem school. Some calls take minimal time and some continue on for many months.

a)      Welcome to new subscribers from:
ˇ       §       Seattle, WA (X 6)
1       Urbana, IL
2       Colorado Springs, CO
3       Phoenix, AZ
4       Bay Shore, NY

ˇ       Samantha Harris, for OPINION digests (blogs, editorials, letters to the editor) …

1       Robyn Walters, for NEWS digests …
2       Michelle Kline, for JOBS digests …
3       Lauren Mehl, for EVENT digests …
4       Gabi Clayton, for LEGISLATIVE/ELECTIVE and ACTION messages …
5       Beth Reis, for action items; resource messages (books, films, curricula, etc.); help needed by reporters/authors, researchers, and member orgs; monthly minutes …

b)      There are two ways to subscribe. Signing up for “IMPORTANT NEWS” gets you an average of 1-2 messages a week, mostly action items, meeting minutes and major announcements. Signing up for “NEWS” gets you those messages plus news, opinion, events and job digests totaling an average of 2 messages a day. Not subscribed? Need to change the address we send to or to switch lists? Go to:

a)      The National Safe Schools Roundtable (NSSR) met in Washington DC October 15-17. Gabi Clayton represented Safe Schools Coalition there.  On the morning of Oct. 16th, Gabi co-presented with Ryan Schwartz on how the matrix - an online database to share information - will work. Ryan is the National Outreach and Media Relations Manager for The Respect for All Project at GroundSpark. The presentation was very well received, and several people commented that now they understand how this will work, and how it will help NSSR members in exciting ways for the safe schools movement. All afternoon on Oct. 16th we participated in an excellent anti-oppression training focused mainly on race and class oppressions. It was facilitated by Lisa Weiner-Mahfuz from The Task Force and Kim Jones from PFLAG National.  On Oct. 17th, Dr. V. Paul Poteat, Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology at Boston College presented: Trends in Research: Peer Socialization of Homophobic Attitudes and Behavior: Implications for Safe Schools Movement. The research he shared with us focused on the causes of homophobic attitudes and behavior more than on prevention. It led to some interesting questions and discussion.

a)      Beth Reis authored the article “Making Sense of the Senseless: The Murder of Lawrence King” that appears in the latest issue of Teaching Tolerance

b)      On the topic of media requests Beth proposed the idea of doing a media training so that we have more people in the coalition to respond to media requests.  Hanna King, Billy Stultz, Kyle Rapinan, and Brandon Walter volunteered to participate.

(13)    BUDGET CUTS – Beth
a)      With King County facing imminent budget cuts, organizations supporting the LGBT community are feeling the impact.   Critical positions may be cut, including positions at the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center which handles the Safe Schools Coalition’s crisis calls.  Please draft a letter in support and tell your King County Council Members and Seattle City Council Persons to support LGBT services.

a)      BEND-IT queer youth arts and music festival – Matt Steele, et al
ˇ       ABOUT BEND IT Bend-It is an Artist/activist collective of queer youth building radical queer community, working in an anti-oppressive framework across age, race, gender and class.  Bend-It is a collective of activists and artists working to empower, build community among, and create meaningful alternatives for queer young people and their friends. Headed by young people of diverse gender identities and sexual orientations, Bend-It is committed to creating safe and accessible spaces for queer youth to exchange ideas, learn skills, and take on positions of leadership. Sensitive to the danger of placing an exclusive focus on one particular form of oppression, we seek to work together with other marginalized populations as a way to combat segregation and to defend the view that all oppressions are interrelated.

1       CALL FOR QUEER YOUTH ORGANIZERS/COLLECTIVE MEMBERS For the past seven years, Bend-It has had the exclusive goal of organizing a three-day arts festival as a meaningful, non-corporate, proactively inclusive alternative to Seattle Pride. This year the organizers have seen a need to expand Bend-It's activities and are transforming the group into a year-long collective. The project was originally the brainchild of an 18 year old and had the involvement of predominately high school aged youth. The collective is still very active with many members and benefits from a wide range of age ranges, but to fulfill its mission we would like to see a larger presence from high schooled aged youth in our collective.  Volunteers generally find their work with Bend-It immediately rewarding. Volunteers quickly gain skills and connections in the music and art world as well as in the activist community. Bend-It also provides a fun and interesting environment working with other youth with similar interests and mindsets. The organization prides itself on its anti-hierarchical, non-paternalistic framework that empowers youth into positions of leadership within the organization. Volunteers will have the potential to gather skills in the following areas:  Marketing/ PR, Non-Profit Business Administration, Booking, Graphic Design, Festival Planning, General Leadership Skills, Grant writing/Sponsorship, Solicitation skills, Anti-oppressive organizing, Feminist and Queer Theory.  The positions we are attempting to fill are designed for youth with limited time availability. The positions vary in time commitment and responsibility. For paid positions we require a minimum 3-month commitment. The other positions are entirely flexible and work well with most high school student's schedules.   Positions with heavy time commitments will be given a small stipend to compensate for their work.  This is a valuable and fun way to fulfill required service learning hours.  We especially encourage people of color, trans-identified, genderqueer, and most especially high-school aged young people to join.  To learn more about this opportunity you can either show up at one of our meetings or meet with someone from the collective to discuss your interest in the project, answer any questions you may have, and talk about the roles that you would like to have in the collective. My suggestion is to do both.  Meetings occur bi-weekly on Mondays in the community conference room at Kaladi Brothers Cafe at 7pm.  (The next meetings will be on the Oct 27th, Nov 10th and 24th).  To schedule a meeting with a member contact me through the email below.  Matthew Steele, (206) 920-0680

2       Bent Mentor Showcase Featuring Kate Bornstein, Come!!!

(15)     UPCOMING MEETINGS … contact the chair if you have agenda items to suggest or if you need instructions about attending (in person) or calling in (by conference call). All are welcome- you do NOT need to be a Coalition member to attend. All meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

Nov 18th, 3-5 pm, Pacific Time. Beth chairs and Heather records
Beth: 206-296-4970; 

Dec 16th, 3-5 pm, Pacific Time. Marsha chairs and Matt records
Marsha: 206-601-8942;

Jan 20th, 3-5 pm, Pacific Time. Frieda chairs and Daniel records
Frieda: 253-765-7062;


DONATE TO THE SAFE SCHOOLS COALITION: Click here to make a donation online
Or mail this pdf formatted form with your check made to "Safe Schools Coalition":
Safe Schools Coalition c/o Lifelong AIDS Alliance ~ Attn: Dan Phillips
1002 E. Seneca
Seattle, WA 98122-4203

About this Listserve
To SUBSCRIBE to the Safe Schools Coalition's IMPORTANTNEWS List, which averages 2 messages/week including only: urgent messages, action items, SSC meeting minutes

To SUBSCRIBE to the Safe Schools Coalition's
NEWS List, which averages 2 messages/day including THOSE SAME THINGS plus: events (conferences, courses, rallies, TV specials, activism opportunities) , resources (books, DVDs, scholarships, curricula, and more), jobs and volunteer and internship opportunities, news digests

SWITCH LISTS (from NEWS to IMPORTANT NEWS or vice versa) or
CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS, if you are already a subscriber,


About Safe Schools Coalition

The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership of 80+ organizations (government agencies, schools, community agencies, churches, youth/student groups, gay/lesbian groups, human rights groups) and 400+ individuals working to help schools become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Safe Schools' website:
Safe Schools' blog:

Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?
In Washington State:
(1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours. Or contact us by email: Intervention:

For non-emergencies:
Speakers’ Bureau (student/community workshops, professional training) …

Publications and Listserve …

For donations: "Safe Schools Coalition" c/o Lifelong AIDS Alliance, 1002 E Seneca, Seattle, WA 98122-4203 (or call 206-957-1621)

Frieda Takamura, Washington Education Association, 253-765-7062
Elizabeth “
Beth” Reis, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 206-296-4970
Marsha Botzer, Ingersoll Gender Center and The Task Force, 206-601-8942

Listserv Managers:
Beth Reis, for action items; resource messages (books, films, curricula, etc.); and help needed by reporters/authors, researchers, and member orgs …

Robyn Walters, for NEWS messages …
Michelle Kline, for JOBS messages …
Lauren Mehl, for EVENT messages …
Gabi Clayton, for LEGISLATIVE/ELECTIVE messages …
Samantha Harris, for OPINION messages (blogs, editorials, letters to the editor) …


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This message has been distributed as a free, non-profit informational service, to members of the Coalition and others who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. Please do not publish or post in a public place on the Internet, copyrighted material without attribution. Forwarding of this material should not necessarily be construed as an endorsement of the content.

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