From: on behalf of Reis, Elizabeth []
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 1:55 PM
To: 'SAFE SCHOOLS: post to main list'; 'SAFE SCHOOLS: post to "IMPORTANT NEWS" list'
Subject: [NEWS] important: June minutes and LOTS of help needed reque sts

Dear Safe Schools Coalition members and friends:

Minutes 6/21/05, 4-6 p.m.
Safe Schools Coalition Meeting
Chairing: Beth Reis; Recording: Heather Murphy

Present:  Beth Reis- Public Health Seattle & King County, Chris Johnson- King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, Cresdan Maite- SSC Speakers Bureau Manager, Heather Murphy, Joyful Freeman- American Friends Service Committee, Kari Kesler- Public Health Seattle & King County, Lisa Love- Seattle Public Schools' Comprehensive Health Education Office, Marsha Botzer- Ingersoll Gender Center, Fetish Hilario- American Friends Service Committee, Dana Shaphren- American Friends Service Committee

  1. YOUR HELP NEEDED: We need a 3rd Co-Secretary 
  2. WELCOME TO CRESDAN, our new Speakers Bureau Manager
  3. DECISION TO MAKE: new mtg location

    Based on requests to have SSC meetings available over conference call, the current location of Meany Middle School will no longer meet our needs.  We are currently looking for a new, convenient location.  We are still waiting to hear back from those individuals (Frieda, WEA; Marsha, Seattle LGBT Community Center; Beth Public Health & Planned Parenthood; Lisa, John Stanford Blg; Chris, KCSARC) who were going to check into their facility's availability.  Everyone checking, please let Beth know by Friday, July 8th.  Watch the Safe Schools listserve for an announcement about where the July 19th - and all future meetings - will be held.

a)      NEW MEMBER APPLICATION: Norup School from Michigan accepted; Welcome!!!



    Seattle Schools has a bus reserved for the Pride Parade on Sunday morning, 6/26 at 11am.  Colorful pencils with the SSC website as well as stickers will be handed out.  So far about 15 adults and 20 students will be in the parade riding the bus or walking alongside.  Anyone can join!  We are meeting at 9am at Lowell Elementary on Aloha, near where the parade will end.  We will then be traveling to the staging area on Pike, we are 35th in line.  You can also join us there, or anywhere along the parade.  There will be snacks on the bus.  We need 4 safety volunteers to walk at each of the bus's 4 wheels. For more info or to RSVP or volunteer, email

(7)      "FIRST GAY SOCIETY IN AFRICA NEEDS YOUR HELP" - We received a request for a donation from an organization in Nigeria. We decided to forward it to ILGHRC (the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission), ILGA (the International Lesbian and Gay Association) and Amnesty International, as they are better equipped than we to evaluate its legitimacy and provide support.

(8)     SPEAKERS BUREAU - Cresdan will be with us through September.  He is currently beginning to contact for all past volunteers to assess their willingness to continue and what kinds of support they would need and working on creating a new database. 

(9)     HATE FREE ZONE'S IMMIGRATION FORUM on June 25, volunteers needed

a)      Currently, individuals in need of interventions reach SSC through our (Intervention web form) or by calling Planned Parenthood or Hate Free Zone.  We are looking into having a 24 hour line with either the Crisis Line or King County Sexual Assault Resource Center. Heidi will report back next month

b)      3 Recent interventions:  8th grader who has been harassed for 2 yeas, Teacher threatened to be fired if out, Mom of a 15 year old bisexual looking for resources

  1.  JUSTSERVE AMERICORPS - 6 interviews this Friday, volunteers welcome to help with interviewing - Beth, Kari, Shannon

    8:30-3:30, Beth's office: 10501 Meridian Ave N, Seattle. Contact Bethif you want to help do interviews.

(12)     HEROES & ROLE MODELS PROJECT volunteer needed - High School interns were trying to obtain copyright permission for photos to make the trading cards.  Many legal issues involved. We did get pro bono advice from an attorney. Now are working with student artists to draw images of pictures we are unable to use.  We are looking for volunteers to be artists or contact photographers who own copyrights and/or to spend a few hours helping with research.  Contact Beth to volunteer: Beth

(13)     FREE PSA OPPORTUNITY - volunteers needed: Come be on TV!!!

(14)     WSAME (WA Assn for Multicultural Education) RESOURCE DIRECTORY- Joyful (AFSC) paying the $25 so that Safe Schools Coalition's speakers bureau will be listed as a trainer, Cresdan will write SSC information, with Kari's help.

(15)     OFFER TO SELL Peace in our Lifetime from our web site & share profits - Consensus was:

(16)     ACTION NW- PICKETING OF THE DOBSON CONFERENCE this weekend.  Discussion occurred around the framing of the message that SSC will make regarding informing of this event. See email sent 11:45 today for more about this discussion and consensus.

(17)     A HUGE THANK YOU to these wonderful individuals and families who have donated in support of the Safe Schools Coalition this past year and a half:

(18)     Joyful shared flyer for the "TOGETHER IN FAITH" CONFERENCE 8/5-8/7 in Michigan.  Sponsorship available.  Info at

(19)     Joyful shared flyer for "DO YOU KNOW ENOUGH TO ENLIST?"  This is handed out to youth as they graduate high school to provide more info. than military recruiters are likely to give.

(20)     Congratulations to both Beth and Fetish who won Seattle LGBT Community Center's FRUIT BOWL AWARDS. 
(21)     MICHIGAN PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITUTE was given copyright permission to reprint our "Guidelines for Identifying Bias in Curriculum and Materials" <> in their resource guide "One Size Does Not Fit All: Culturally Competent Abstinence Education for Sexual Minority Youth."

(22)     RESEARCH REQUEST- University of British Columbia Faculty of Law student will be interviewing SSC 7/6 at 2pm for their research project "Social Contention and Hate Crime Labeling:  a Comparison of Non-Governmental Knowledge Practice in Canada and the United States." Available to join in this interview about Safe Schools Coalition's research? Contact Beth if you can join us.

(23)     SHARING
a)      Portuguese LGBT group thanks us for extending copyright permission

(24)     UPCOMING MEETINGS - location TBA
a)      Tuesday, July 19th 2-4 note: summer hours (Frieda chairs - Frieda; Lisa C. records)
b)      Tuesday, Aug 16th  2-4 note: summer hours ( (Beth chairs - Beth; Chana records)

SSC Membership

There's been confusion about the GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE of the Coalition. So, to clarify: SSC is an international organization. We are based in Seattle, WA, USA, but have list subscribers and web users all over the world. We have done training as far away as South Africa and provide technical assistance to educators, students and community members all over the world. Member organizations include:

a)      the national headquarters of PFLAG,
b)      California-based Women's Educational Media,
c)      Gay Parent Support Group and Kalaheo High School Gay Straight Alliance in Hawaii,
d)      the Oregon Safe Schools and Community Coalition, as well as
e)      numerous Washington State organizations.
We have members that are:
a)      faith-based (e.g., Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation),
b)      school-based (e.g., Charles Wright Academy, Lake Washington Technical Academy in Lake WA Technical College),
c)      family-based (e.g., Rainbow Families of Puget Sound)
d)      college-based (e.g., in the past, WSU's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Allies Program in Eastern WA and University of Puget Sound in Western WA),

e)      professional (e.g. Washington Association of School Social Workers),
f)      governmental (e.g., Public Health - Seattle & King County, Snohomish County GLOBE Youth Program) and
g)      community-based (e.g., King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, Ingersoll Gender Center).

We invite your organization to join - or renew your membership in --  the Coalition TODAY.

Why? All you get, really, for joining, is the right to ask your fellow Coalition members to allow you to do particular projects in the name of the Coalition where your own organization might be seen as more partisan and less mainstream than a credible coalition that includes government agencies and other mainstream as well as LGBTIQ-identified groups. That is, doing a project in the name of the Coalition can sometimes give you access you'd otherwise be denied. It can also allow your government or otherwise mainstream agency to share the responsibility for a politically-sensitive, controversial stand. And you get the satisfaction of giving back to the Coalition if you've found our work valuable.

What the Coalition gets by your joining is the strength of a diverse (geographically and in all other respects) member list for our letterhead, our web site, and our publications. And of course a few bucks to support our work.

Member dues are sliding and depend upon the size of a member org's budget:

If you need for us to send you an invoice, just go ahead and fill out the form on line to renew, marking the option to have us send out an invoice. If you can only "pay" by contributing staff time or some other in-kind service in lieu of dues, mark the amount to pay "$0"

Call Piper Sangston, our membership chair (425-450-5574), or any of the Coalition's Co-chairs (Frieda Takamura, 253-941-6700 or, outside the Seattle-Tacoma area, 800-622-3393; Marsha Botzer; or Beth Reis, 206-296-4970 or, outside Seattle, 800-325-6165, ext. 64970).

To join, go to

Former member orgs, who haven't renewed this year (or, in some cases last year or two) are:

AIDS Peer Education Exchange (APEX) / Pierce County AIDS Foundation
Association for Sexuality Education & Training (ASSET) (no longer exists)
Bainbridge Island School District's Multicultural Advisory Council
Bellingham Gender Group (no longer exists)
Benton/Franklin Council for Children
Bremerton-Kitsap County Health District
Center for Human Services
Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health
Committee for Children
Dai Wai Association
Equality Washington (no longer exists)
Evergreen Unitarian Universalist Fellowship - Social Action Committee                                      
Fairness Lobby (no longer exists)  
Gay Lesbian PTSA of Greater Puget Sound (no longer exists)
Gay Lesbian or Whatever (G.L.O.W.) at Lakeside School
Home Alive
League of Women Voters of Washington
Lifespan Education Services
Mountain View High School GSA
Northwest Coalition for Human Dignity (no longer exists)
Northwest PROUD
OASIS/ Pierce County AIDS Foundation
Odyssey Youth Center
Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation Social Justice Committee
Open Door Ministries/LC - Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America
Out Front Labor Coalition/Pride at Work, AFL-CIO
PFLAG - Bellingham/NW Washington
PFLAG - Bremerton/Kitsap County
PFLAG - Ellensburg
PFLAG - Eugene/Springfield
PFLAG - North Olympic Penninsula
PFLAG - South King County
PFLAG - Spokane
PFLAG - Vancouver/SW Washington
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of WA and the following local affiliates:
Central Washington,
Western Washington,
Inland Northwest
Providence Sexual Assault Center
Puget Sound Community School
Queen City - Seattle Gay Culture Center  (now called Seattle LGBT Community Center)
Rainbow Center
Ravenna United Methodist Church
SCI (Service Civil International) International Volunteers
Scouting for All
Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences
Seattle Commission for Sexual Minorities
Seattle Office for Civil Rights
Seattle Public Schools Ofc. of Comprehensive Health Education
Seattle Public Schools Off. of Drug/Alcohol Intervention (same as SPS Comprehensive Student Assistance Program?)
Snohomish County Human Services Dept.
Spokane Public Schools Equity Education Office
Stonewall Recovery Services (no longer exists) 
(Washington State) Teen Line
The Eastside Network (TEN)
WEA's GLBT and Allies Caucus
Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
Yakima Education Association
Youth Eastside Services (YES)


About this Listserve

To SUBSCRIBE to the Safe Schools Coalition's IMPORTANTNEWS List, which averages 2 messages/week including only: urgent messages, action items, SSC meeting minutes

To SUBSCRIBE to the Safe Schools Coalition's NEWS List, which averages 2 messages/day including THOSE SAME THINGS plus: events (conferences, courses, rallies, TV specials, activism opportunities) , resources (books, DVDs, scholarships, curricula, and more), jobs and volunteer and internship opportunities, news digests

To SWITCH LISTS (from NEWS to IMPORTANT NEWS or vice versa) or
To CHANGE your address, if you are already a subscriber,

About Safe Schools Coalition

The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership of 80+ organizations (government agencies, schools, community agencies, churches, youth/student groups, gay/lesbian groups, human rights groups) and 400+ individuals working to help schools become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. 

Safe Schools' website:

Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?
1-877-SAFE-SAFE (1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours. Or contact us Intervention web contact form.

For non-emergencies:

Speakers’ Bureau (student/community workshops, professional training)
Publications and Listserve

For donations: "Safe Schools Coalition" c/o Lifelong AIDS Alliance, 1002 E Seneca, Seattle, WA 98122-4203 (or call 206-957-1621)


Listserv Managers:

Buy cool Safe Schools T-Shirts & Gear:

This message has been distributed as a free, non-profit informational service, to members of the Coalition and others who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. Please do not publish or post in a public place on the Internet, copyrighted material without attribution. Forwarding of this material should not necessarily be construed as an endorsement of the content.

This message was sent by Public Health - Seattle & King County, which belongs to the Safe Schools Coalition. We invite you to use our clinical services. If you are eligible for medical coupons and don't already have one, we can help you apply. Our services are confidential and we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, the presence of a sensory, mental or physical disability, or the ability to pay.