Subject: mtg reminder, August minutes and HELP NEEDED
From: "Reis, Elizabeth" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 18:30:14 -0700
To: "SAFE SCHOOLS: post to \"IMPORTANT NEWS\" list" , "SAFE SCHOOLS: post to main list"

[:ssc539:] mtg reminder, August minutes and HELP NEEDED

Dear Safe Schools Coalition members and friends:

Reminder: Next SSC meeting is this coming Tuesday Sept 19 at 3-5, Pacific Time and you can all in by conference phone if you can't attend in person. For details about how to call in or where to park, contact the chair:">

AUGUST 15, 2006

If you are viewing these minutes in RICH TEXT format, you’ll find all action items in bold red text.


ATTENDANCE: Audrey Haberman, Pride Foundation; Becky Reitzes, Public Health – Seattle & King County; Beth Reis, Public Health – Seattle & King County and SSC Co-Chair; Heather Murphy, SSC Intervention Specialist; Kathy Kaminski, SSC secretary and speakers bureau volunteer; Shirley McCune, Equity Education Program at the Washington State OSPI (Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction; Rachel Smith-Mosel, parent activist and substitute teacher; Chris Beahler, SSC Listserve Co-Manager and secretary; Gabi Clayton (by phone), SSC Webspinner & speakers bureau volunteer; Marsha Botzer (by phone), SSC Co-chair and co-president of the board of The Task Force and founding director of the Ingersoll Gender Center; Evonne Hedgepeth, PhD, Executive Director of  Lifespan Education; Roxie Kaminski, PFLAG Woodstock, IL










·       how masculine or feminine I am



  2. CA Safe Schools Coalition has agreed to have SSC republish its new “All Families Welcome” brochure [ ] with national, rather than CA-specific, resources. Last month we agreed we would love to do the reprint. Ellen Kahn at Human Rights Campaign has agreed to handle the redesign and Judy Hoff at PFLAG National has agreed to provide editorial input. Yay – thanks to both member orgs!!

(12)     INTERVENTION & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE – Heidi, Beth, Kristina

a)      Kent School District’s legal office made a request for technical assistance with inclusion of a gender variant middle schooler - it's exciting to see a district proactively planning before school starts to support a particular student

b)      Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth may be seeking support from the Coalition – we’ll keep people posted if we need a group of colleagues to join in a conference call


(12) UPCOMING MEETINGS:  Contact the chair if you have agenda items to suggest or if you need instructions about attending (in person) Or calling in (by conference call).

September 19, 3-5 p.m.  Marsha chairs and  YOU? _________ records
Marsha: 206-601-8942;">

October 17, 3-5 p.m.  Frieda chairs and Kathy records
  Frieda 253-765-7062

November 21, 2-4 p.m. Beth chairs and YOU? _________ records
Beth 206-296-4970.


Bush School speaker series:

1) James W. Loewen, Ph.D: The Lies My Teacher Told Me; The Power and Influences of Education and/or Sun Down Towns Across America

A best-selling author who wrote Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your High School History Textbook Got Wrong, Lies Across America: What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong and Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism. An educator who attended Carleton College, holds a Ph.D in sociology from Harvard University, and taught race relations for twenty years at the University of Vermont. You can find more biographical info at

2) Jim Jelinske, MS: How Bullying/Harassment Impacts and Influences Young People
He has worked in the human service field for the last 23 years and has traveled throughout the US. He has been conducting presentations on Preventing Bullying for the past 5 years to thousands of students, teachers and parents.  His presentation is powerful, using real-life examples, and focuses on an awareness of the extreme consequences of bullying behavior. * Jim is an awesome youth/anti-bullying speaker (detailed promo attached).

3) John Guguam Igwebuike, Ph.D, J.D.: The Skills to Listen and Lead in Diverse Contexts
A certified professional speaker, John presents motivational and professional development messages to a wide variety of audiences including colleges, schools, churches, civic organizations, and companies.  John graduated from The Ohio State University with a B.S. in Ed and B.S. in Bus Admin.  He holds an MA in Bus Admin (M.B.A.) from California State Polytechnic University and a second Masters in Labor and Human Resources (M.L.H.R.) from Ohio State University.  He earned a Ph.D in Bus & Ed from The Ohio State University.  Finally, he was conferred a Doctorate of Jurisprudence (J.D.) by Indiana University Law School. He is the co-author of the book Earning Our Way, a guide for academic success. John writes a monthly motivational column for Purpose Magazine and Healthy Living Magazine.  John’s programs range from 30-minute motivational performances to half-day workshops and full-day seminars.  John also provides custom-designed professional development training and facilitation (details below).  

4) Jason L. Thomas: The Humble Hero Who Stood Tall on 9/11
Did anyone read about the black marine hero that was left out of the 9/11 movie?  Check this out!  To his Whitehall neighbors, Jason L. Thomas is a mild-mannered family man who spends his weekends fighting crab grass.  Until a few weeks ago, they always pictured him outside playing with his five kids or toting a lawn sprinkler.  So they were surprised to discover that Thomas, 32, is one of two Marines whose rescue of two survivors of the Sept. 11 attack is portrayed in the movie World Trade Center.  For five years, Thomas didn’t talk about that day. But a few weeks ago, he hesitantly came forward to identify himself as one of the heroes portrayed in Oliver Stone’s new movie.  The story is below.

5) Tim Wise: The Many Challenges and Accomplishments of MLK
An anti-racist writer and activists having spoken in 48 states and on more than 400 college campuses, including Harvard, Stanford, and the law schools at Yale, Columbia, and Vanderbilt. He has trained teachers as well as corporate, government, media, and law enforcement officials on methods for dismantling racism in their institutions, and has served as a consultant for plaintiffs’ attorneys in federal discrimination cases in New York and Washington State. He is also the author of two critically acclaimed books, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son, and Affirmative Action: Race in Black and White.  You can find more biographical info and past essays by Tim Wise at

6) Bryant K. Smith:  "The Crossover or "The Takeover; Black History and Hip Hop"
Founder and President of Smith Consulting and Networking, a comprehensive training, development, and consulting firm. He is the author of “Black Not Blind,” a social commentary on race relations in the United States. Bryant has dedicated his entire professional career to teaching, training, and empowering people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Known as outspoken and dynamic, Mr. Smith is a highly sought after lecturer/facilitator. Bryant dares to follow his motto and tackle subject matter that may be “difficult but not impossible” to talk about. Known for his ability to meet audiences where they are and take them to where they need to be. Bryant’s programs always leave his audiences feeling empowered to face whatever challenges life may bring. You can find more biographical info and workshop titles at

*Bryant is available in February for other Black History Month events and he’s awesome!  The kids/young people love his workshops!

7) Patricia Ireland, J.D.: The National/Global Women’s Movement: Past, Present and Future
Patricia Ireland is one of the most influential feminist leaders in the country. During her ten years as president of the National Organization for Women (NOW), she used her experience as a lawyer to move NOW to the forefront of the political scene and establish herself as a groundbreaking activist. Widely recognized as a key player in improving social and economic conditions for women in the United States and around the world, Ms. Ireland is especially adept at challenging people to make the connections between women’s rights and other human rights issues. A hallmark of her work has been to forge stronger links among the women’s, antipoverty, civil rights, disability rights, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights movements. Ms. Ireland has had a continuous presence in media outlets that shape public opinion. She has discussed childcare on ABC's Nightline, Supreme Court nominees on PBS's Jim Lehrer News Hour, the impact of the women’s vote on NBC’s Meet the Press, and women as policy-makers on CNN's Larry King Live. Ms. Ireland is considered a "must quote" for articles that concern women, and she frequently appears in the nation's most widely-read newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and USA Today. She has been the subject of numerous feature stories, in publications ranging from The New York Times Sunday Magazine to People. Ms. Ireland has emerged as a leading figure in the world-wide feminist movement.  She initiated NOW's Global Feminist Conference in 1992, bringing together women from more than 45 countries. She has worked with women in England, France, Germany, Brazil, Cuba, China and Kenya. Patricia Ireland promises to be a major figure in the women’s movement during the next decade and beyond.

8) Joy Leary, Ph.D: Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS) and Future Implications
Her eighteen years of practical experience as a professional in the field of social work offers practical insight into various cultural and ethnic groups that form the basis of contemporary American society. Dr. Leary’s workshops also go far beyond the topic of cultural sensitivity; she provides specialized clinical work in areas of mental health and ecological resilience.
Among Dr. Leary’s most significant workshops are those on Axiology and “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome”. Her discussion and model of Axiology is derived from work and association with noted clinician Dr. Edwin Nichols and delves into the study of primary values that shape cultures. In brief, Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome theory proposes that varying levels of both clinically induced and socially learned residual stress related issues were passed along through generations as a result of slavery. Dr. Leary presents facts, statistics and documents that illustrate how the destruction of the African culture (i.e., belief systems, customs, and values) continues to effect traumas resulting from inequality, racism and oppression policies.

Please share this information with friends and colleagues.

* SSC member organization


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About Safe Schools Coalition

The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership of 80+ organizations (government agencies, schools, community agencies, churches, youth/student groups, gay/lesbian groups, human rights groups) and 400+ individuals working to help schools become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. 

Safe Schools' website:

Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?
1-877-SAFE-SAFE (1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours. Or contact us on our Intervention web form.

For non-emergencies:

Speakers’ Bureau (student/community workshops, professional training)
Publications and Listserve

For donations: "Safe Schools Coalition" c/o Lifelong AIDS Alliance, 1002 E Seneca, Seattle, WA 98122-4203 (or call 206-957-1621)


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