From: "Reis, Elizabeth" 
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 18:27:18 -0700 
To: "'SAFE SCHOOLS: post to main list'" , "'SAFE SCHOOLS: post to \"IMPORTANT NEWS\" list'" 
Subject: read me: minutes and help needed requests

Dear Safe Schools Coalition members and friends:

Notice that help needed requests are in red ...

MINUTES 9/20/05, 4-6 p.m. PDT      Safe Schools Coalition Meeting

Chairing: Marsha Botzer;  Recording: Lisa Confehr

Present: Alice Woldt, The Washington Association of Churches; Beth Reis, Public Health - Seattle & King County; Chris Johnson, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center; Cresdan Maite, SSC speakers' bureau manager; Frieda Takamura, Washington Education Association; Jenny Jackson; Joyful Freeman, American Friends Service Committee; Kristina Armenakis, Safe Schools Coalition & Seattle LGBT Community Center; Lisa Confehr, Hate Free Zone; Lisa Love, Seattle Public Schools; Marsha Botzer; Ingersoll Gender Center and The National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce; Martie Ovitt, Lake WA Technical Academy at Lake WA Technical College; Robert Raketty, Scouting for All and GLSEN Puget Sound; Leslie Norman; Joe Bento, GLSEN Puget Sound; Shannon Thomas, Seattle LGBT Community Center; Kari Kesler, Public Health - Seattle & King County; Judy Hoff, PFLAG National; Piper Sangston, Washi ngton Association of School Social Workers


  1. YOUR HELP STILL NEEDED: We need a 2nd and 3rd Co-Secretary  to take minutes every third month. Contact Beth:

  2. INTROS (and last month's minutes were approved) 


  1. Marsha and Kari are leading up the house party team and could use help from anyone who is interested. They are still working out the  date, it looks like it will be some time in the middle of October, so keep your eyes pealed for the date. 
  2. Frieda and Joyful are heading up the mailing committee . They are requesting donations to all list subscribers.
    website sponsors, grant-writing, new member org drive, phone banking, face-to-face asks ... We need help with this as much as possible. If anyone is willing to volunteer to contact potential Website Sponsors contact Beth Reis.. Also, Is there anyone willing to co-head a grant writing committee? You would be responsible for writing two grants a year.
  3. We must stress the importance and urgency of fundraising. If you believe in the Coalition and wish to support it there is no better time than now to step up and assist in fundraising.
  1. MEMBERSHIP  - Piper and Tad
  1. RENEWALS:  Lifelong AIDS Alliance

  2. NEW MEMBER APPLICATIONS: We voted on and accepted: Washington Association of Churches, WELCOME!!!

  3. Pease continue to encourage organizations and individuals that you think may be interested to join or renew.

  1. SPEAKERS BUREAU - Cresdan, Kristina
  1. Training this Sunday - 16 people have RSVP'd to be there!! Thank you, to all organizations who donated for this training! It would not have been possible without your support. The LGBTQ Center will be donating Copying Services.

  2. WSAME Conference: Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st Beth and Sarah Talbot and Carl Clausen will be leading a workshop. To register, go to:

  3. We have a request for a training with the Police Department.

  4. Kristina will be taking over as Speakers Bureau Manager as Cresdan departs. Reach her on our web form here.

  1. INTERVENTION SERVICES - Heidi , Kristina
  1. King County Sexual Assault Resource Center training Thursday

  2. No Recent interventions

  3. We have a new HELP LINE!!! We are now operating through King County Assault Center, 1-888-99-VOICE. Or contact us at intervention.

  4. Kristina will be assisting in recruiting intervention specialists and marketing intervention services in the future.

  1. GROUNDSWELL - Robert, Beth
    1. Edit main message, talking points, SSC press release: Copies of this were passed out to edit, if you would be interested in seeing it and/or helping edit,           contact Beth Reis.

    2. Who could work with Barb Clark-Elliot on firming up speakers and setting up a prep event?

    3. Interview Beth did today with Janet Tu of the Seattle Times (464-2272)

    4. PFLAG is working on a set of questions we wish the press would ask of Groundswell organizers. Main point of discussion: how should those questions be framed?

    5. If you want to be a part of the Groundswell Response Team (which now includes folks from PFLAG, GLSEN, GLAAD, WA Assn of Churches, Public Health - Seattle & King County and a couple of individual volunteers) - helping to plan and conduct a press event the day Groundswell comes to town, contact Robert Raketty: or 206-412-1882

  2. HEALTHY YOUTH SURVEY - Beth has been drafting questions for the survey around bullying and harassment. She has been sure to incorporate the thoughts "perceived to be" when asking about labels due to the fact that often times kids are bullied for a reason they don't even identify with. Folks encouraged her to lobby for including a gender identity/expression question.


a)      CONGRATULATIONS BETH REIS: The LGBTQ Community Center awarded her with their "PEACH: Volunteer, Coordinator, Leader" award. WONDERFUL WORK BETH!!!! WE ARE SO PROUD! At the award ceremony she was given a standing ovation.

b)      CITY-WIDE STUDENT WALK OUT: Against Bush's War and Military recruitment in out school. Wednesday Nov. 2nd, Noon.

c)      GLSEN Puget Sound has many upcoming events for both Youth and Adults. Visit their website for more information.

  1. Upcoming meetings
  2. Tuesday, Oct 18th  4-6 @ (Beth chairs - Beth; _________ you? records)
    Tuesday Nov 15th 4-6 @ (Frieda chairs - Frieda; _________ you? records)
    Tuesday Dec 20th (Marsha chairs - Marsha; Lisa C. records)


  1. NSFG stats - Beth 
    We shared a handout summarizing the National Survey of Family Growth statistics on sexual orientation, behavior and attraction.

  2. During our Meeting we reviewed this film:
    Dealing with Difference: Opening Dialogue about Lesbian, Gay & Straight Issues: 35 min. video/DVD and accompanying curriculum from Human Relations Media and GLSEN, the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network. Go to or

  3. The film is a good starting point for opening dialogue in your high school about communicating across LGBTQ issues. It offers three scenes of students being harassed, including one scene of transphobic bullying. After each scene a group of teens from different schools address the situation and talk about how they would deal with it, or how they would see it happening in their school. The film then offers you a moment to pause the movie and asks specific questions for the viewing group to dialogue about. It is worth viewing; comes with a great teachers' guide.


About this Listserve

To SUBSCRIBE to the Safe Schools Coalition's IMPORTANTNEWS List, which averages 2 messages/week including only: urgent messages, action items, SSC meeting minutes

To SUBSCRIBE to the Safe Schools Coalition's NEWS List, which averages 2 messages/day including THOSE SAME THINGS plus: events (conferences, courses, rallies, TV specials, activism opportunities) , resources (books, DVDs, scholarships, curricula, and more), jobs and volunteer and internship opportunities, news digests

To SWITCH LISTS (from NEWS to IMPORTANT NEWS or vice versa) or
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About Safe Schools Coalition

The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership of 80+ organizations (government agencies, schools, community agencies, churches, youth/student groups, gay/lesbian groups, human rights groups) and 400+ individuals working to help schools become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. 

Safe Schools' website:

Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?
1-877-SAFE-SAFE (1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours. Or contact us on our Intervention web form.

For non-emergencies:

Speakers’ Bureau (student/community workshops, professional training)
Publications and Listserve

For donations: "Safe Schools Coalition" c/o Lifelong AIDS Alliance, 1002 E Seneca, Seattle, WA 98122-4203 (or call 206-957-1621)


Listserv Managers:

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This message was sent by Public Health - Seattle & King County, which belongs to the Safe Schools Coalition. We invite you to use our clinical services. If you are eligible for medical coupons and don't already have one, we can help you apply. Our services are confidential and we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, the presence of a sensory, mental or physical disability, or the ability to pay.