Subject: important: belated Sept 19 meeting minutes
From: "Reis, Elizabeth" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 16:34:50 -0700
To: "SAFE SCHOOLS: post to main list" , "SAFE SCHOOLS: post to \"IMPORTANT NEWS\" list"

[:ssc539:] important: belated Sept 19 meeting minutes Dear Safe Schools Coalition members and friends:

Note: October 17 minutes will follow soon.

Minutes 9/19/06, 3-5 p.m. PDT
Safe Schools Coalition Meeting
Chairing: Marsha Botzer; Recording: Kathy Kaminski

Present: Kate Boyd, If You Don’t They Will; Cristien Storm, If You Don’t They Will; Rose Brennan; Tuffi Dolan; Kathy Kaminski; Becky Reitzes, Public Health - Seattle-King County; Chris Johnson, King Co Sexual Assault Resource Center; Marsha Botzer, Ingersoll & NGLTF; Frieda Takamura, Washington Education Association; Judy Hoff, PFLAG National; Gabi Clayton, SSC webspinner; Beth Reis, Public Health - Seattle-King County; Piper Sangston


(1)     INTROS

(2)     YOUR HELP NEEDED – serve on the SSC’s Leadership Team

(3)      MEMBERSHIP - Piper and Tad
          a)      New member applications: Gay & Gender Research … Heather reported to Beth that this is a group of graduate students who wanted to get their thesis online and started this website.  They are not funded by anyone in particular.  Heather recommended we accept their membership.  There were no objections.

         b)      Other membership news

(4)  IF YOU DON’T THEY WILL- Kate Boyd and Cristien Storm


Should the SSC change its name to reflect its national/international reach?  This has been an ongoing discussion for the last few months.  There was discussion of the fact that we are well known as the Safe Schools Coalition and changing our name now may just be more confusing.  It would also be expensive to change all of our materials to reflect a name change.  Judy mentioned that when she first heard of the SSC she assumed that it was a national organization and feels like we don’t need to change our name to reflect that.  It was put to a vote and there were no objections to keeping our name as it is.


(7)     SHIMKUS LEGISLATION, HR 284 – Chris, Judy

Chris has drafted an SSC response to the language of the proposed bill, which originally did not include gender identity.  They are recommending that the language be changed.  The outcome will likely be dependent on the elections.

(8)      FUNDRAISING – Kelsey Diller of Motivo Coffee (d), Gabi (e)
          a)      Back-to-school Dinner & Concert @ Julia’s on Broadway – Aug 31 – netted about $1,000. Huge thank you to Linda Baker and also to Drew Turpen, Blue and Kevin Liu.

          b)      Comedy show Nonprofit Comedy at the Comedy Underground has offered to do a benefit for us December 19 so SAVE THE DATE. The show will be co-produced by comedians Kelli Robson and Yoram Bauman. More about Nonprofit Comedy:

          c)      Thank you to recent donors Jonathan Su, Sarah Luthens, Mary Mullen, Marilyn Cass, Amelia Conover, Keith McIntyre, Cynthia Turpin, Beth Reis and Barbara Steele, Laurie Cogan, Lisa Beaulaurier, Ken Molsberry, Joann Williams, Terry Rhines, Marcie Mathis, Kathy Kaminski, Gretchen Harmon, and Mary Paradise. If you haven’t donated to the Coalition lately, go RIGHT NOW to:

          d)      Motivo Coffee offer- If we sold their coffee we could make raise money for the coalition.  The group decided to table the discussion until a representative can attend the meeting.

          e)      Goodsearch offer – Gabi reported that “Goodsearch” is a search engine, powered by yahoo, that will donate a little money each time somebody designates the coalition.  We would have to stop using other search engines.  Right now we spend $315/year with webstory and we could save that by adding a yahoo search bar, which is free.  There was a question as to whether we could search pdf files.  Gabi is going to look into it and the group gave her the authority to look into it and make a decision.

(9)     WEB SITE UPDATE – Gabi

a)      In August, the website served 23,422 users who went to the site an average of 6.2 times each for a total of 144,599 visits. They downloaded over 10,000 copies of SSC reports and handouts. Altogether 83% of the users were from the United States. Other users were from Spain, Netherlands, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Republic of Korea, China, Sweden, Italy, Japan, South Africa, India, Cote d'Ivoire, Singapore, Switzerland,  Russian Federation, Mexico, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, Poland, Malaysia, Turkey,  Thailand, Ghana, Brazil, Taiwan, Philippines, Hong Kong, Malta, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Finland, Israel, New Zealand, Greece, Iran, Denmark, Hungary, Venezuela, Romania and Lithuania. And this was in AUGUST when school isn’t even in session in many countries.  Thank you Gabi for managing the website!  Great job!

b)      Search options- discussed above
c)      Hosting plans- nothing new to report


 (11)    SPEAKERS BUREAU – Kristina

Kristina thanked several speakers who have done a lot of gigs lately including Janet Bogle, Kathy Kaminski, Carl Clausen, Kari Kesler and Beth Reis.




(15)     Café Press- Gabi reported that we have a commission of over $90 from café press.

(16)     Bully Game- HELP NEEDED:  Judy is looking for anyone who is interested in being on the committee to organize against this columbine-like school assault video game. If interested contact Judy Huff ?

(17) UPCOMING MEETINGS … contact the chair if you have agenda items to suggest or if you need instructions about attending (in person) or calling in (by conference call)