Appendix A
Lesbian and Gay Child Care Task Force Needs Assessment
for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Families

CODE ________

Participant Agreement

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change
the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead

Dear Participant,

Thank you for your willingness to take part in the Child Care Needs Assessment Project. Our purpose is to improve access to and quality of child care for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families. The study is funded by the Pride Foundation, City of Seattle Comprehensive Child Care Program and King County Child Care Program. The study is being sponsored by the Lesbian and Gay Child Care Task Force.

We have chosen an appreciative approach to interviewing. During the interview, you'll be invited to talk about times when things are working at their BEST for you and your child. As you tell about the successes, we come closer to finding ways to infuse more of this into the lives of our children. Simply put, we want to highlight the "very best of what is" in order to ignite our imaginations of "what might be." Our interviews will enable us to understand more fully the "life-giving forces" that improve the quality of care for all families-especially for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families.

As we analyze the data, themes will be identified and action statements will be developed around each theme. These action statements will describe "what could be" based on the data we gathered from the stories of the "best that is." We'll hold a community forum to dialogue together about what "should be" and validate our action statements. Once this is done, we will explore and identify all the forces that support or impede our goal.

Out of all this comes passion and commitment to change and implementation.

Our conclusions will be summarized in a written report and will be shared with the general public as well as with community leaders in the field of early childhood education and child care . . . all the time believing that positive images lead to positive futures.

Statement of Confidentiality

I understand that stories of success may be 'trumpeted' for all to hear. Neither my name nor the name or place of the child care provider will be used in any written copy. A final report or other document will not directly attribute any findings to my interview. I agree to have the interview audio taped and transcribed.

The audio tape will be destroyed after your stories have been transcribed unless we have your permission to use your taped stories as part of an oral history presentation of success stories.

You have my permission to use my taped voice.

Signature of Parent or Child Care Provider: _____________________________

Name of Parent or Child Care Provider: ________________________________

Address: ___________________________ City: ____________ Zip: ________

Phone:_______________________ e-mail: _____________________________

Signature of Researcher: _____________________________ Date:__________

Contact Person: Mary Dispenza -- 425-644-2468 / e-mail:

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