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THIS IS A MOVEMENT from Reteaching Gender & Sexuality on Vimeo.

This is a Movement: 3:30 min video, free online. It was created to broaden conversations about a LGBT movement to one that is multi-issued and demands that we understand gender and sexuality within context of our other identities. THIS IS A MOVEMENT is the second video in the Reteaching Gender & Sexuality (RGS) series. You can watch it above or go to: To download the discussion guide, go to:

 50 Under 30: Masculinity and the War on America's Youth (pdf format) - human rights report that documents a murderous tide of under-reported violence that is claiming the lives of gender non-conforming youth and young adults ages 30 and under, and the dangerous indifference of law enforcement authorities, policy-makers and mainstream media.   

Day of Remembrance - an annual memorial to the brutal murders of transgender people.

Anti-Trans Murder: Over One A Month (pdf format) - a handout designed for use in conjunction with the Remembering Our Dead and Day of Remembrance projects.

Bending the Mold: An Action Kit for Transgender Youth - from Lambda and NYAC. "Bending the Mold," offers suggestions for making schools safer, helps teens address making bathrooms and locker rooms more accessible and identifies ways to raise the level of discussion about transgender issues in school.  The kit includes specific action steps, such as leading a community discussion about transgender issues, drafting a petition to make transgender-friendly policy changes in school and advocating for transgender issues with elected officials and school administrators.

Beyond the Binary: A Tool Kit for Gender Identity Activism in Schools - from the Gay-Straight Alliance Network/Tides Center, Transgender Law Center and the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Beyond the Binary is an informative, nuts-and-bolts manual that will help students and allies fight for gender justice. The manual features compelling personal accounts of gender identity and its complexity at home and in school. Student activists will find legal advice, community resources, and organizing strategies such as tips for organizing the Transgender Day of Remembrance. The manual will help students, teachers, and advocates to create safer school environments where gender equity is realized and affirmed. Beyond the Binary includes facts based on California law and, therefore, parts of it may not apply to your school if you live outside California. Other parts - real students' stories, staff training activities, suggestions for how to make change at your school - are applicable anywhere.

Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin - 83 minute 2002 video. Documentary about this legendary African-American, gay, Quaker pacifist activist, without whom there might never have been a Montgomery Bus Boycott in support of Rosa Parks or a March on Washington with Martin Luther King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech. Available from Newsreel for $195. Order online, or call Newsreel toll free: 877-811-7495.

Challenging Silence, Challenging Censorship: Inclusive Resources, Strategies and Policy Directives for Addressing Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Trans-Identified and Two-Spirited Realities in School and Public libraries - authors: Dr. Alvin Schrader & Kristopher Wells, University of Alberta with a foreword by noted Canadian author and media personality, Bill Richardson (who is also a former public librarian). This book is designed as a professional and practical resource to help educational leaders and policymakers within K-12 teaching (teachers, administrators, counselors, and teacher librarians), together with public librarians and other community stakeholders, to learn more about how they can take action to challenge and positively change the educational conditions and social climate for bisexual, gay, lesbian, trans-identified, and two-spirited (BGLTT) youth and for children from same-gender parented families. Available in French and English and can be purchased online. 

A new sign designates
a unisex restroom at
Kent State University,
transgender students.


Creating GLBTQIA-Inclusive Forms: Suggestions For Policy And Implementation (pdf format) - a unique, free, extremely useful 8-page guide for policy-makers and change agents.

Day of Silence Project - this student-led day of action is a project of GLSEN. It is an international event which is designed to use in schools to raise awareness and protest the silence faced by LGBT people, and to offer tools with which to end the silence.

What are your rights? A Q&A form for students during the Day of Silence  (pdf format) - At times students may face obstacles when organizing the Day of Silence. In this document created by GLSEN, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and Lambda Legal you will find a set of questions and answers based on general legal principles.

Delete Discrimination (pdf format) - powerful guide to empower young people to fight discrimination in their local communities and in themselves; co-produced and developed with the AOL Time Warner Foundation, and co-written with the Anti-Defamation League, the National Conference for Community and Justice, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.   

Don't Erase Your Queer Future - a web site from the Trevor Project for LGBTQ youth about suicide.

Making Schools Safe - a program from the ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Project that offers information, assistance and tools to use to make schools safer for LGBT youth. A 71 page abridged version of the document is available online as a pdf file. Making Schools Safe is one part of the ACLU Lesbian & Gay Rights Project’s Youth and Schools initiative that equips schools, parents, students, and their communities with the legal information they need to make schools safer for LGBT students.

Facts & Myths About Anti-Homophobia Education (pdf format) - a Vancouver (British Columbia) School Board publication in English and Chinese.

Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues - offers a web directory of funding sources, research and grant writing tips, and more.

  Gay-Straight Alliances: A Handbook for Students, Educators, and Parents - by Ian K. Macgillivray, 2007,  Haworth Press. Hard Cover ISBN
978-1-56023-684-9, Soft Cover ISBN 978-1-56023-685-6. This book explains exactly how to begin this important type of school club that helps build positive relationships and promotes knowledge and tolerance. This guide tells students what it takes to start a GSA at their school, teachers how best to work with GSAs, and helps principals and superintendents to understand the applicable laws. Parents who read this book can discover for themselves just how positive an influence the GSA may be in their child's life.

Going Beyond Gay-Straight Alliances to Make Schools Safe for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans-Gender Students (pdf format) - readable, but carefully documented 8-page report addresses what research says about strategies that work, from the Institute for Gay and Lesbian Strategic Studies (IGLSS).

Hatred in the Hallways: Violence and Discrimination Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Students in U.S. Schools - based on in-depth interviews with 140 youth and 130 teachers, administrators, counselors, parents, and youth service providers in seven states, this report offers the first comprehensive look at the human rights abuses suffered by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students at the hands of their peers. Full report available on line and paperback book version is available from Human Rights Watch for $15 + $5 s/h. Order online or call 212-290-4700.

Hero and Role Model Cards (pdf format) - from the Safe Schools Coalition.  

The High Cost of Bullying and Liability in Schools - this important article by Mary Jo McGrath, Attorney at Law, Founder, McGrath Systems, Inc. talks about schools having a legal "duty to train," "duty to remedy," duty to monitor," and "duty to investigate."

‘If These were Racial Slurs, Teachers Would be Stopping Them’ … Three Activists Object  (pdf format) - an essay by Beth Reis, Mona Mendoza and Frieda Takamura of the Safe Schools Coalition to our fellow activists that discusses the intersection of racism and homophobia and why comparing forms of oppression is counter-productive.

Is Opposing the War an LGBT Issue? (pdf format) - This policy brief was created by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) GLBTQ Community Relations Unit in partnership with National Youth Advocacy Coalition (NYAC).

Journal of LGBT Youth - the interdisciplinary forum dedicated to improving the quality of life for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. This quarterly journal (retitled from the Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education to better reflect the journal’s youth focus) presents peer-reviewed scholarly articles, practitioner-based essays, policy analyses, and revealing narratives from young people. Edited by James T. Sears, PhD - Haworth Series on LGBT Youth & Adolescence; Penn State University.

Legal Suggestions for Prom Time (pdf format) - reprinted with permission from the Gay-Straight Alliance Network (headquartered in California and a member of the Safe Schools Coalition as well as the California Safe Schools Coalition).   Also posted in html format within the GSA Network News - May 2006.

A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender Educator's Process for Coming Out (pdf format) - by WEA General Counsel, Jerry Painter. Includes 'Things To Do If You Feel You Are Being Targeted Because of Your Sexual Orientation'.

LGBT History Month Resources - GLSEN's web site contains resources to help you to initiate a dialogue around LGBT history in your school. See especially "Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) History Month," which contains a list of 15 actions students and teachers can take to promote LGBT History Month, as well as a list of books, films and web resources with information on LGBT history.

The Louder We Will Sing': Campaigning for lesbian and gay human rights (pdf format) - a handbook from Amnesty International to enable their members, groups and networks to get involved in promoting and defending the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people worldwide. Also available here in html format, and in French.

Marcus Wayman - Marcus Wayman was eighteen years old in 1997 when he committed suicide after police found condoms in his pocket and concluded he was gay. Small town police (Minersville, PA) threatened to out him to the community and family members. Marcus, hours later, took a revolver and shot himself in the head. In November 2001a jury in Allentown acquitted the police from any wrongdoing.

National S.E.E.D. Project on Inclusive Curriculum (Seeking Educational Equity & Diversity) - a staff-development equity project for educators establishes teacher-led, faculty-centered faculty development seminars in public and private schools throughout the U.S. and in English-speaking international schools. A week-long SEED Summer Leaders' Workshop prepares school teachers (usually one or two in a building or district) to hold year-long reading groups with other teachers to discuss making school curricula more gender-fair and multiculturally equitable [inclusive of LGBTQ cultures] in all subject areas.

"Not Round Here: Affirming Diversity, Challenging Homophobia" a Rural Service Providers Training Manual (pdf format) - this rich, well-written trainers' manual by Kenton Penley Miller & Mahamati of Outlink, a project of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (Australia) [© Copyright Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 2000. Anyone may copy, extract from or quote from the kit without any obligation to seek the Commission's permission or acknowledge the Commission - as long as the source of the training is acknowledged.]

Peace Center: Breaking the Cycle of Violence, Creating Circles of Peace - The latest peace news from around the world plus a collection of quotes and essays that underscore justice and equality.

PeaceJam: How Young People Can Make Peace in Their Schools and Communities - a book, a video, a curriculum and an international education program, PeaceJam is built around leading Nobel Peace Laureates who work personally with youth to pass on the spirit, skills, and wisdom they embody. The goal of PeaceJam is to inspire a new generation of peacemakers who will transform their local communities, themselves and the world.  More info:

Listen to: "People Love" (3:22)
by Pat Humphries
© 1998 Pat Humphries, Moving Forward Music/BMI
From the CD Hands on Appleseed Recordings -
used by permission all rights reserved

This is also posted on our GLBT Parents/Guardians, Activists and GSA Advisors and Music on the Safe Schools Coalition Website resource pages.


Rainbow Revolutionaries Challenge Role of Military in Hawai'i - Notes from an Occupied Territory - Robin Nussbaum of American Friends Service Committee’s Hawai’i Gay Liberation Program spoke with three members of the Rainbow Revolutionaries LGBTQ youth group about the impact of the military on Hawai’i.

Respect All Families poster series and action guide & Tips for Making Schools Safer for Youth with LGBT Parents - the Respect All Families posters were created by the inaugural year of the COLAGE Youth Leadership and Action Program in the San Francisco Bay Area. The posters are one component of a larger visibility and awareness project that fights the homophobia facing youth with LGBT parents and families in schools. These posters created by youth with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender parents to raise awareness about families like theirs.  The Action Guide provides ideas and resources for using the posters. And Tips for Making Schools Safer ... also created by youth with LGBT parents, provides tools to teachers and educators who would like to improve the environment for youth with LGBT parents in their school.. More info or to obtain posters, guide or tips: 415-861-5437 x102 or email: See the posters -- or print your own -- in small format.

COLAGE - a national movement of children, youth and adults with one or more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer parents. We build community and work toward social justice through youth empowerment, leadership development, education, and advocacy. Offers chapters and events nationally, visibility tools and resources for schools and communities, Speak OUT national network of youth leaders, online communities and more.1550 Bryant Street, Suite 830, San Francisco, CA 94103; Phone: 415-861-KIDS (5437); fax: 415-255-8345; Email:

  Rock the Vote - engages and builds the political power of young people in order to achieve progressive change in the United States using music, popular culture and new technologies to engage and incite young people to register and vote in every election.

Safe Space Kit - from GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian Straight Education Network. Designed to help educators create a safe space for LGBT youth in schools, the Safe Space Kit features the Guide to Being an Ally to LGBT Students. This guide complete with posters, stickers and reproducible handouts provides concrete strategies for supporting LGBT students, educating about anti-LGBT bias and advocating for changes in your school.

Site Responsibilities for the Creation of a Safe School Climate 2003-2003 (.doc format) - from San Francisco Unified School District. 

So Change It: A Guide for High School Youth Activists - a guide from Advocates for Youth and the Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project. You could be working for: Increased HIV education and testing, counseling, and treatment services; school condom availability; equal and fair treatment for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth; an end to racial/ethnic unfairness; improved confidential health services for low income youth; or, of course, comprehensive sex education.This guide can work equally well, regardless of the cause that fires you up. 

Soundbites Against Homophobia: Articulate Responses to Lies & Rhetoric - by Robin Kane on the web site of Political Research Associates.

Study demonstrates the academic importance of role models - a study published in the January 2002 issue of the journal Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, which didn't address sexual orientation directly, did demonstrate, among other findings, that "Having a role model, particularly an individual known to the adolescent, was also associated with higher self-esteem (P<.001) and higher grades (P<.05)." The paper reporting on the study was entitled "Role Models, Ethnic Identity, and Health-Risk Behaviors in Urban Adolescents" Antronette K. Yancey, MD, MPH; Judith M. Siegel, PhD, MSHyg; Kimberly L. McDaniel, PhD. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2002;156:55-61.  

Take It Back: A Manual for Fighting Slurs on Campus (pdf format) - This amazing 50-page manual is available FREE online from the GSA network. "Through student organizing and activism, you can work to prevent slurs and respond effectively when they happen; you can focus on the source, meaning, and impact of slurs in order to take back hurtful language in your school. By speaking out against slurs on your campus, you can also take back the ability of language to empower and strengthen our communities."  

Teaching Pride; Dispelling Shame (pdf format) - simple one page article by Beth Reis, first published in the Seattle Gay News. It could be used as a trainers handout. It explains why pride belongs in the curriculum of every school.

Transgender Equality: A Handbook for Activists and Policymakers (pdf format) - a 104 page report by Paisley Currah and Shannon Minter, Introduction by Jamison Green. Defines and describes transgender terms and issues; discusses the ways sexual orientation and gender identity overlap and differ; examines the role of gender variance in homophobia and anti-gay violence; provides information on efforts to achieve basic legal protections for transgendered people; and suggests strategies for advancing inclusive anti-discrimination, safe schools, and hate-crimes legislation.

Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth: Recommendations for Schools (pdf format) - see this really important document from the Transgender Law Center. It addresses problems ranging from lack of gender-neutral bathrooms to confidentiality, with specific recommendations for addressing each problem.

Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students: Your Rights At School - June 2012 (pdf format) - from National Center for Transgender Equality. Bullying, harassment, or discrimination against transgender or gender nonconforming students is covered by Title IX, a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in schools. This resource outlines the rights trans and gender nonconforming students have in schools and how to file formal complaints.

Transgender Issues, Terms & Definitions - this page from the GSA Network is specifically for Gay-Straight Alliances, but useful for everyone.

Trans Murder Statistics, 1970 to 2004 (pdf format) - another handout designed for use in conjunction with the Remembering Our Dead and Day of Remembrance projects. This can also be run as a back page to the handout above.  

Use Another Word (pdf format) - this simple student driven activity written by Nancy Meltzoff works well across all grade levels when administration and staff are supportive. It is also a good example of an activity that may help garner support from administration and staff for anti bullying efforts. Great doable project for GSA students! Shared on the Safe Schools Coalition website with permission.

View Gay-Straight Alliance clubs as partners (pdf format)  - guest viewpoint by Carolyn Laub, founder and executive director of the Gay-Straight Alliance Network. First published in the Dec. 10, 2002 issue of School Board News. Shared on the Safe Schools Coalition website with permission.

What Does it Really Mean to ‘Affirm’ Versus ‘Promote’? (pdf format) - by Evonne Hedgepeth, Ph.D., on the Safe Schools Coalition website with permission.

What to Ask School Board Candidates and What They Ought to Tell You in Response (pdf format) - this is a free publication from the Safe Schools Coalition to help voters, taxpayers, parents, school staff and students frame what you want to know from school board candidates. We recommend using this information not only prior to elections, to help you evaluate candidates' positions, but also after elections to help you educate new board members about what their LGBT students, parents/guardians, employees and their allies need.

Who Are you taking to the prom this year? (pdf format) - reprinted on the Safe Schools Coalition website with permission from the American Civil Liberties Union.
  You know different - The National Youth Advocacy Coalition with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of HIV/AIDS, Capacity Building Branch, has created a national strategy to increase HIV testing rates among youth.  This project is a youth-driven effort to provide communities with materials that promote HIV testing among youth in an empowering and authentic way, recognizing the skills, determination and ability of young people to mobilize, talk honestly and take action to stop the spread of HIV among their peers, families, and communities.  This project includes a community level mobilization effort where youth serving agencies partner with AIDS service organizations in a planning process to identify strategies to promote HIV testing to youth and young adults.


The Schools List - this email listserv run by Youth Guardian Services connects people working towards the advancement of queer-friendly primary and secondary schools in North America by bringing groups and individuals together to work on strategies to bring a halt to homophobia in primary and secondary schools; and by resisting religious right and far-right political and legislative initiatives against gay youth in primary and secondary schools and in colleges and universities.



How To Tell People They Sound Racist

by Jay Smooth, host of WBAI's Underground Railroad, in New York City.

July 21, 2008



THIS IS A MOVEMENT from Reteaching Gender & Sexuality on Vimeo.

This is a Movement: 3:30 min video, free online. It was created to broaden conversations about a LGBT movement to one that is multi-issued and demands that we understand gender and sexuality within context of our other identities. THIS IS A MOVEMENT is the second video in the Reteaching Gender & Sexuality (RGS) series. You can watch it above or go to: To download the discussion guide, go to:

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