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Alone, together ~ film credits
This page was last updated on 01/30/08. If you know of errors please click here to let us know.

Produced by Angeline Candido, Daphne Chu, Donna Freedman, Shannon Goodwin, and Margaret Gordon.  To contact the filmmakers, use this form.

Featuring the voices of:

Ry Dozier-Lerum

Bill Bullock

Angeline Candido


Margaret Gordon

Ron Krabill

Daphne Chu

Jonathan Yockey

Shannon Goodwin

Narratives adapted from the following sources:

Safe Schools Coalition "stories" database:

Let's Get Real film and intervention booklet:

The Respect For All Project:

Bully Online:


Bully B'ware Productions:

Our own data collection from: Focus Group participants, online survey entries, and personal experience

Special thanks to:

Kari Lerum

Beth Reis, Jerry Painter and the rest of the Safe Schools Coalition crew

Todd Herrenkohl

The Vera Project

The Lambert House

On the House

Simpson Center for the Humanities at the University of Washington

The 2007 University of Washington Summer Institute in the Arts/Humanities faculty and students

Center for Advanced Research Technology in the Arts/Humanities (CARTAH)

The University of Washington Libraries

All focus group participants

All contributors to our online survey

"Fantasies of Confusion"

Composed and performed by Liz Kohl

Alone, together guide: a tool for watching and discussing the film. (118 KB 4 page pdf file)

Alone, together curriculum: composed of different activities designed to bring issues like bullying, violence, difference and stereotypes to the forefront of the classroom. (1,007 KB 11 page pdf file)

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